Jazz III users

I use the .73 tortex ones, I've tried every single gauge and type of jazz pick form dunlop and these work the best for me, the ultex standard in .73 is nice too.
red ultex, 2mm :D

The only problem I find with them is that I can't get the same tone out of them that I get with standard picks, which I prefer :(

But these things feel so nice to play with..... Need to get my hands on more of the black maxi grip ones
Can only play with a jazz iii no shit. Ill take any sharp tipped variant live so long as it ain't carbon. Didn't bond well with it.
I go between two picks quite regularly - sort of extreme differences in them and have not settled on one after using these two for a couple of years together now. The first is my long time pick of choice - the traditional Tortex Green .88mm, my tried and trusted weapon of choice for most of my guitar life. the other pick I started playing with a few years back and still gets almost equal playing time (seems to depend upon what and how I'm playing at any given time) is the Dunlop Eric Johnson Jazz III pick - while it looks like the trditional red Jazz III picks, it's different (hard to say exactly aside from the fact that the words Eric Johnson are raised on one side and improve grip, but it's also different in it's attack at least to me - possibly in the edging or material.
I recently fell in love with the XL version of the black one. It now feels easier for me to play, I would recommend it to people who like to aggress their strings when they play, because it is not as slippery as the normal sized one, and I feel I'm missing way less strings when playing a bit fast. It feels a little less smooth on the strings too, like it's not as "round" on the tip, I don't know if it actually is different on that regard or not, but it feels like it, and now I prefer it because I feel like I have more control and more sensations about what I am playing. I still like the original one for its smootness but whenever I need to riff harder, I regret not having the XL in hand and then change back to this one

I have to try the tortex or those other variants. I didn't really like the red one, but i don't recall for what reason.

I kinda liked the "grip" version of it (don't remember its name) but I feel the XL version does the same job, with the better riffing on top of it

IIRC the "Eric Johnson" one is based on an older version of the Jazz III, which gripped better while having the exact same shape, and if that's what I am remembering, he apparently bought a whole big box of those when he knew the original production was gonna be cancelled, because they were that good to him. And apparently the "new" ones based on those aren't as good as the original one. I might be messing up with another story though. I'd like to try it though
Used Jazz III's and their pitch black Tortex cousins for years, moved to some bigger jazz shapes for comfort, but a few months ago landed on these beauties:


After using small fat picks for so long, I forgot how much easier it is to play fast rhythm on bigger, thinner ones (both because of leverage of a larger surface and also the angle I hold my wrist at so only the tip of the pick strikes the strings), and it didn't take me long to get used to them for lead playing either. And while I used the 1 mm blue ones for awhile, Jeff made the very good point that thinner picks reduce the issue of notes going sharp on the initial attack - that said, .88 is my absolute limit for thinness :D
I used to use Jazz III, but I switched away. The tinyness of the pick didn't flow well when doing fast 16ths that are palm muted on my E standard .11 gauge guitar. I needed something with more leverage so I switched to the 1.14 Tortex TIII's. Awesome picks, I recommend anyone to try them.

EDIT:^Lol hivemind.