Jazz ]|[

quality poll

  • red

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • black

    Votes: 5 83.3%

  • Total voters


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage

red ones are too squishy. this is the ONLY PICK I EVER USE. seriously. guitar/bass/acoustic/whatever. i used them all until finding these. if they ever stopped making them i would riot.

edit: okay now i see the picture. it is grand.
never used the black one, I assumed it was exactly the same, only black *shrug*

anyway the tone I get from the red ones is so wonderful, however my pudgy fingers tend to lose grip on them so I don't use them that often
the red ones seem to have a little give, which i do not like. black ones are solid LIKE MY COCK.

although maybe i played a red one that was sitting in a hot car, i dunno.
I think the black ones are easier to keep in fingers, but the thickness is the same or at least almost the same.

NP - Unreleased Tenhi-material*, fuck these songs are good!

*these was available from the site before Prophecy decided to make some money.
what makes the black ones have better grip? different surface texture?

if this is the case I will be buying myself some black jazz ]|['s quite soon.
Erik said:
not to be an ass, but are you sure you don't mean Jazz I or Jazz ][? (you mailed a black ]|[ and a red I to me once :)) those are softer, but i seriously have a red and black ]|[ here and i'm bendin them like crazy and they seem of absolute equal stiffness to me fer sure. shrug.
oh shitz, perhaps you are right. i mailed you a red one? i didn't know i ever owned a red one myself.

i remember having a black jazz II a long time ago though. hmm.
okay well either way, black > red because of the surface. red are slippy, black have that grippy shitz. plus i'm old and set in my ways of using the black ones. :)

sometimes i like to use a big floppy fender pick for acoustic chords, but i haven't had one in a long time. my acoustic acts as a sunblocker* on my failed blinds right now anyhow.

*i editteteedd this to say "blocker" like 6 times now but it won't show up!

edit again: okay and now it does. :rolleyes: THIS DAY IS COMPLETELY RUINED NOW.
Erik said:
do you play acoustic guitar with these lehto? i kinda find they are too thick for that

No, for acoustic I use these normal size thin Dunlops, but as I've recorded some new October Falls-material here, I've also been using the Jazz-things. :grin:

As for others, the texture is different between Black and Red. Blacks are easier to get a grip.*

*Sorry for my shitty language, I'm drinking few beers here.