JBroll wins haha


Oct 17, 2007
i was bored and unable to sleep and needed something to do... so inspired by jbroll once again telling some idiot off i made this contribution to wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JBroll and hell if its on wikipedia it must be right. feel free to add to it....god im lame.:loco:
Damn, didn't see it.

Oh well, maybe ED would host it better, perhaps with some 'notable bashings' and translations for those who don't know any audio stuff...

Did you happen to save it?

god damn it all.

i didnt save it but basically it said....

jbroll is a mythical mathematical genius-like creature who travels around internet forums making people look stupid. Jbroll always wins and if he where to lose then the world would soon end and it would matter who won then now would it.

ill try and figure out to put it on urban dictionary or something, if any one else is up to it go for it. we should all grab a couple examples of him wining and of his weird analogies.
I hate to be nitpicky.. but the words "I'll be going now" do not directly state that one is going to leave a forum. It's more a general statement of "I'm leaving" - but you could be leaving the thread, the sub-forum, etc...
Okay I get it! I was an idiot for a period of time. Lets just get over it.. all this grudge holding is doing no one any favours. Lets just get along, rock on, and be good to one another.
Alright, alright, let's give the guy another chance - this is a place for sharing our mutual love of playing and producing music (preferably of the heavy variety), so for the sake of a cool environment to do so, I vote a cease-fire.
Alright, alright, let's give the guy another chance - this is a place for sharing our mutual love of playing and producing music (preferably of the heavy variety), so for the sake of a cool environment to do so, I vote a cease-fire.
