jcm 800 ( + 6100)


eat glass
I've heard good things about 800s regarding high-gain and metal stuff, but I'm not sure if this is valid for all models. Is there a difference? I'd need a clean channel as well, so my bet would be to go for the master volume, two-channel 100w version, the 2210. Is this also a good amp, or is it only the non-master volume versions that sound good?
Does anyone know some good examples for (more recent?) records on which they used 800s on?

Also, is anybody familiar with the 6100, the 30th anniversary, 3-channel model? I've read good opinions about it, but I'm afraid it's high-gain sounds are like the 900s, which aren't too nice... sooo, is it any good?

yes, I'm sort of looking at the marshall department for now... :)
The 30th aniv amp is good, but is definately more 900 than 800 (due to the diode clipping distortion circuit in the 900 and 6100).

The best 800's are the non-master volume ones, built between 1981-83. These feature a fully tube signal path and are the 'holy-grail' of metal amps for alot of people. A few diodes were added to the circuit around 1984 and to some this can be heard.

Don't think from this that I'm a tube snob (I personally prefer a 900), it's just if you are after THAT JCM 800 sound then a non-master volume would be the best.

I'm loving my Marshall rack (9005 pwr amp + JMP1 pre) at the moment as I can get almost any true Marshall sound (even a very convincing 800 sound) at the push of a button.
i used an 800 with a ts-9 for my rhythm tracks on the Spiritual Healing album which was recorded in 89 and came out in 90. Chuck cut his tracks with a solid state Randall head though, so that album's rhythm sound is a combination of both sounds.

me cutting tracks at Morrisound Recording Studios, 1989
no no no, you want master vol 800's, don't go 30th aniversary, way expensive and like Razorjack says more like the 900's. Love the side parting James, I was laughing with Eric that we all went through that phase around 1990, especially after I was voted centre parting of the week in Kerrang! Bastards!!
Frank'nfurter said:
As I see in the Pic, there are 4 different amps. Can you send me the model numbers?

Looks like a 2210 model in there, a couple of 2204's, one of which looks like it has a mod. How do those sound Andy, in terms of crunchy, thick, high gain riffing like in you Krank clips?
the two on the left are just a 100 and 50 wt master vol 800, the top right is a monster, 100 watt MV thats had a mod done so it now has an extra pre amp tube , extra channel and an effects loop, and the one below is the split channel 100 watt

The modded one was used on the reamping for Opeth DVD and also Caliban album.
I use an old JCM 800 2203 (100w), it's a single, clean channel. I think it's the absolute tits. I think the 2203 is the one Zakk Wylde expanded on for his signature head, adding an effects loop and some other bits & bobs. I whack the front end nice and loud with a metalzone, noise suppressor, and a BBE sonic maximiser (another fantastic bit of kit), turn the head's pre-amp knob up full, and with the master knob barely above 2 my band moans I'm too loud. I can't tell you how much I love this amp. It's warm n' fruity, but can sizzle, crunch and roar to fuck, but with no frills, no fuss, don't need a million knobs/channels/switches. If my house was on fire I wouldn't leave without this old battered amp. Hope this helps you Frank.

Hey Andy, I read what you said about Gary Holt's JCM 800, I think you said it was the best marshall you'd ever heard. What mods has it got?