Jeff Buckley - "What Will You Say"


Oct 31, 2005
I know there are a few Buckley fans on this board, so hopefully this will be appreciated.
"What Will You Say" is easily my favorite JB non-album track, and although it's on both of his posthumous live albums, my favorite version is this one, from a bootleg of his set at the Glastonbury Festival in 1995. The song is incorrectly labeled as "Such a Long Time".
Such a beautiful and intense song. And what a fucking voice...

Enjoy and let me know what you think.
Such a weird parallel between Jeff and father Tim. Their lives had so many similarities, although I think they only spent like 3 weeks together. Spooky.
Have you ever seen his DVD? His passion is rarely paralleled.

My girlfriend is a HUGE fan. She is the person who introduced me to his music, otherwise I would never know him.
Yep, sure enough. Great live performer as well, and it's cool to see how goofy and garulous he was. You don't expect that given his music. I wish I would have had the opportunity to see him play. I've got a ton of Buckley material. Everything that was released commercially, the stuff that was later remastered and expanded, a bunch of bootlegs, etc. Grace is one of my all time favorite albums, and probably the most recently released album to make the cut.
Grace is an album that has slowly revealed itself to me in very small steps, but it has reached a point where I don't think it could possibly get better... and it does.
NADatar said:
Grace is an album that has slowly revealed itself to me in very small steps, but it has reached a point where I don't think it could possibly get better... and it does.


The guy was a prodigy, no doubt about it, I just purchased Grace, Mystery White man, and the Live in Chicago DVD. Awesome stuff.