Jeff Loomis & Van Williams Leave Nevermore

You can't make a statement like "There was no reason for him to leave the band" without offering some sort of qualifier - extraordinary claims necessitate extraordinary evidence.

But just to make sure I'm not wasting my time, if I argue with you enough, will you leave again?
And maybe this is the reason Per decided to leave Opeth and Portnoy left DT. Loomis + Portnoy + Per + Roy Khan perhaps? Let the speculation begin. :) In all seriousness... that would be one badass band!! Hahaha
And maybe this is the reason Per decided to leave Opeth and Portnoy left DT. Loomis + Portnoy + Per + Roy Khan perhaps? Let the speculation begin. :) In all seriousness... that would be one badass band!! Hahaha

I might actually be able to enjoy Kamelot now that Roy is gone. Never could stand that guy. Great singer and all but not a nut hangin on the dude. If they can find a permanent member with some edge to his voice that would be pretty killer

my 2 cents
Nevermore was epic, but let's be positively, now we'll have 2 epic bands.

One from Dane, and other from Loomis. :kickass::rock:

And if both keep on releasing solo albums, then we will have:

- Nevermore
- Loomis new band
- Dane's project
- Loomis solo project

I'M SO HAPPY!! :lol:

No, I'm not :Smug: