I can't imagine Nevermore without Jeff Loomis... I really hope they pick a friggin' monster to replace him.
This news does suck indeed.
Nevermore is more of a biggie these days than Priest. They at least write better music.
I concur with the others. Nevermore should not be if Loomis is not involved.
You're insane sometimes, Milt.
I'm not sure thats a fair assessment. Saying their should be no Nevermore without Loomis is a lot like saying their shouldn't be a Kamelot without Khan, and that seems to be going pretty well.
I completely agree.
Hell, I'll take it a step further and say I'm glad Jeff left. I'm not happy at all about Van leaving, but with Jeff leaving, maybe they will return to form instead of just being a goddamn constant wank/solo fest. Jeff was the reason they don't play anything old anymore, except for the same old, usual shit.
I'm not sure thats a fair assessment. Saying their should be no Nevermore without Loomis is a lot like saying their shouldn't be a Kamelot without Khan, and that seems to be going pretty well.
Jarzombek or bust.
I'd prefer Richard Christy. He's a big fan anyways, and Charred Walls isn't really doing anything right now.
As much as I love Richard, he's not leaving Stern to join Nevermore. Not that he re-signed for 5 more years. Also Richard posted today that Charred Walls is in the studio recording the second album.
Didn't know he signed with Stern for 5 more years, and didn't know about them being in the studio right now either, thanks for the heads up. Not a huge fan of that first album, but I definitely think they have potential. Just wish they would dump Jason, hahaha, and get someone else. But I digress.
Here's the article about Charred Walls in case you were interested.
I'd prefer Richard Christy. He's a big fan anyways, and Charred Walls isn't really doing anything right now.
RON Jarzombek, the guitarist to replace Loomis. Not Bobby. For the drummer spot I'd like to see Peter Wildoer handle it if possible, but I doubt it'd happen with one foreign dude already in the band.
Christy gets paid way more to be on Stern than he'd get paid to be in Nevermore, but I agree he's an incredible drummer. He's as good of a prank caller as is he a drummer though. Seriously, dude is like the shogun master of prank phone calls.