Jeff Loomis & Van Williams Leave Nevermore

I'm glad it happened. Guaranteed Van and Jeff will get together with better musicians and form a better band.

Old Nevermore rocked. What Jeff and Van are going to do now will rock even more.
This is awful news to me but crushing to my wife. Nevermore is her favorite band and they were playing here the day before her birthday in May. She was so excited and now she's adrift. Gad! Band breakups are tough for the members but harder on the fans I think.
This is awful news to me but crushing to my wife. Nevermore is her favorite band and they were playing here the day before her birthday in May. She was so excited and now she's adrift. Gad! Band breakups are tough for the members but harder on the fans I think.

Wife that jams to Nevermore = super cool wife
This is awful news to me but crushing to my wife. Nevermore is her favorite band and they were playing here the day before her birthday in May. She was so excited and now she's adrift. Gad! Band breakups are tough for the members but harder on the fans I think.

same situation here..mine's not even into metal at all, NM is pretty much the only metal band she really likes.

we saw them in march and the performance was flawless, Warrel was great....
MUCH better than the last couple of times I saw them, where Warrel fucked up every single note (alcohol?).

Nevermore is one of my favorite bands as well, and I love Dane's vocals but was VERY dissapointed with his performance on Obsidian....dissapointed to a degree that now makes me think "well, perhaps it's not THAT bad...better they stop now than let me be a wittness to their sad sad demise"

I'm sure Loomis will release something kickarse very soon.

damn, how cool would it be if he filled in on guitar for KK in Wacken :D
Because they only played 1 gig in the UK recently which was in London which is at the other end of the country :(

I got well pissed due to them dodging the UK constantly...

Erm...ever thought about seeing them somewhere other than UK? :lol:
And having a nice trip, visiting other country/city/whatever.
If I could've traveled to shows 800km one direction you can too...

Sad to see the guys go, we'll see what tomorrow knows...
I doubt Jeff and Van will be resting for long and WD works on new Sanctuary stuff, so there's lots of goodies we can await. :rock:
Lol why is everyone shocked? As Carlos said "yeah, this was in the works for some time now".

I thought everyone saw this coming at least a few weeks ago what with the cancelled North American tour and such.
One top of that, I would have thought most fans that have paid attention and read about their past are well aware of the band's not so stable history, what with Warrel's alcohol abuse and stuff.
I'm honestly surprised they didn't leave years earlier.

I'm not saying it doesn't suck mind you, This Godless Endeavor is one of my top 10 metal albums of the previous decade and I'll never get to see Loomis with the band now, which I always wanted to do one day.
Like with Isis, I was a bit torn up about them breaking up, but you know that life moves on and they are still continuing to pursue other musical endeavors which kicks ass, which we know Van and Jeff will do too.
+1 to the Dane hating, and I don't think the comparison to Control Denied is apt, cuz I couldn't stand them not because the riffs "just didn't work" without Chuck on vox, but because by and large I just don't like singing in heavy music (see: Nevermore). So yeah, Loomis and Van teaming up with an awesome growler/screamer would be a dream come true for me!

Yes...we really need another band with growling vocals...:rolleyes:
All these comments saying about its good because Warrel was shit....then it would be much easier for them just to have kicked him out imo.

I think that wasn't the main reason for them to quit. Otherwise that would probably have happened instead. Luckily I got to see them live last summer, but you could see the band was just performing the songs, not really enjoying it.
Damn, I liked nevermore but I'm not totally heartbroken. I am however VERY pissed that they are canceling the U.S. tour with Symphony X.

Seeing loomis and romeo back to back..FUCK that would have given me a guitargasm! Now I get to look forward to seeing Powerglove :/
Awesome band at height of popularity loses half their writing team but retains awesome vocalist/focal point of the band as well as a great bassist and guitarist, hires one of the best drummers in the world and continues touring?

Yeah, that sounds exactly like what just happened to Nevermore. :rolleyes:

I just meant lead guitarist (who writes all the stuff) and drummer leave. Not other details. Ahh nevermind. Paramore is awesome.
Erm...ever thought about seeing them somewhere other than UK? :lol:
And having a nice trip, visiting other country/city/whatever.
If I could've traveled to shows 800km one direction you can too...

I've never been outside of the UK in my life period, one day I hoped to visit the US and see them. Maybe not now:(
so i have a question then, if dane and shepard get other members now and continue under the nevermore name (which they have every right to) can they still play songs that loomis has wrote for nevermore? does he retain the rights to those, or do they belong to "nevermore"? just curious.
so i have a question then, if dane and shepard get other members now and continue under the nevermore name (which they have every right to) can they still play songs that loomis has wrote for nevermore? does he retain the rights to those, or do they belong to "nevermore"? just curious.

Well I think so.
He wrote those songs, I don't think century media nor a sort of "Nevermore music" is holding the copyrights.
So I guess he's going to get royalties.
All I'm going to say is that there are a lot of people in this thread who are looking at the publicly visible aspects of Nevermore's world and assuming that Jeff and Van's motivations for leaving can be easily traced back to those various things, but that's a huge twisting of the truth and this situation is not that simple, so try to refrain from too much gratuitous speculation.

Exactly. There is more to the story that you probably will never hear about which is what I was alluding to earlier
I'm really more of a Loomis fan than a Nevermore fan so this doesn't break my heart. I like some of WD's stuff and actually loved it on TGE but I find that too often he sings the exact same melodies on different songs with little regard for the actual chords.
Anyway, I wish them all well in their future endeavors some of which will surely be awesome.
What are you talking about? Warrel is frickin awesome, even his solo record was great - and on the other hand i didn't enjoy Jeffs solo effort at all. Anyways... Nevermore is / was one of my favorite bands, totally sucks to hear that. And I had the chance to see them a month ago, but the gig was canceled because Warrel "missed his flight"... Puts this incident in a whole new perspective
What a shame... I think I saw them 4 times live, last time (few weeks ago) was the best show I saw! So I'm glad I went to see them.... curious what will become of Nevermore, but also what will happen to Loomis and Williams.