Nevermore North American Headlining Tour 2010

Oh I totally agree i was being an ass. I just really cant stand JJ and his bullshit. No matter what any post thats not about the AxeFx hes got to get in on the thread and be a post whore just to say he has an AxeFX.

Its not that I dislike the AxeFx, I actually like it very much for what it is. the tones are great, but you cant go plugging yout tube head into it and do silent recording.

That was the point of it, but JJ had to be his usual post whore / cock self and get all up in everyone crap cause hes got an AxeFx .... anyway, the site sucks for info anyway. So much BAD info its amazing.
I had a dream this morning that Nevermore was already playing the show here. Derick and I were there, and it was SO HOT in the venue (which it wouldn't be in real life because the Ridglea is teh awesome). But yes, so hot that Warrel called for an ice cream break in the middle of the set. So, everyone got ice cream. :loco: