MetalSucks and Nevermore “Create Your Own Conspiracy” Contest

Anyone here actually give a rat's ass who wins? It's not like it's a cash prize or anything. So you get to perform one song with a band, big deal. I only entered, because I thought it would be fun. And it was:

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The only thing dumber than the Bible is the people that believe that shit. If you want to be a subservient slave to an almighty dictator, get a fucking cat.

Holy shit :lol: I've actually read that before, on holiday with some friends a while back we were reading through the Gideon's bible left in the hotel room for a laugh, we came across that passage and seriously lol'd
People have really done a great job. Especially orbsonb. I can see him breaking it down beside Warrel already heh :rock:. I entered this contest as well (on short notice). It's here if anyone is interested. Good luck to everyone in this.
This whole contest reminds me of auditioning singers for my last band. Both experiences have been generally painful with minimal enjoyment or satisfaction.

Sort of like masturbating with a cheese grater.
Is it just me or does anyone else find the perfect, trained singing style incredibly boring? Way too much vibrato completely kills a song for see this in just about every prog or power band.
Sounds like this guy: