MetalSucks and Nevermore “Create Your Own Conspiracy” Contest

Well, I'm a bit confuzzled as to why it was posted that you know Jeff if you don't, but I believe your own word over Brooks'. However, the content of your band's UM forum, Facebook page, website, and Wikipedia page would make it appear that Theocracy is more popular and successful than a small band struggling to get a crowd. Don't get me wrong, you deserve all the success that you work for, but I'm just trying to point out how it would seem that Theocracy is a well established and somewhat privileged entity.

And if your band isn't big enough to open for Nevermore...well, you are now :goggly:
Well, let me ring in here. Matt and I are actually friends IRL, We're both from the same town, even though I moved to MN. I can vouch, he doesn't know anyone in Nevermore, and has a relatively small following in GA. His band has played the Progpower USA pre-party about 4-5 years ago, and has done some European shows (which were by no means that big). Not sure if this clears anything up, but I figured I would share.

i can appreciate the fact that several of the competitors are in bands. I'm in a band, myself...but the band I play in plays in peoples' backyards and basements. your band has played on another continent. there's a bit of a difference ;)

obviously i'm not taking anything away from your entry, it was very well-done and i enjoyed the hell out of it, but it just seems to me like the contest was aimed at people who'd never had the chance to perform in front of an audience on the scale of a Nevermore show. imagine this: there's a tennis tournament hosted by some kind of tennis magazine, and it's open to anyone. the winner of the tournament gets to hang out with Rafael Nadal for a day. the contestants are predominantly hobbyist tennis players who don't have the means to become successful athletes but still enthuse about the sport...and then all of a sudden Roger Federer signs up and blows everyone else out of the water. it's technically not against the rules, yeah, but it's kind of a dick move considering Federer plays tennis in a totally different echelon than the other competitors.

i don't wish anything negative on you or your entry, i just wanted to clarify why people are feeling cheated. i do enjoy your band's stuff, too.
haha, you guys are funny ;)

Matt is a fucking creative guy...c'mon his St.Anger pisstake was fucking are his xmas songs.
He's just a dude enjoying music and doing what he does idea why everyone is getting so agitated about it.
personally I liked his entry quite a bit.
amusing how quick you guys are with starting rumours about people although you actually have fuck all clue about the person you're talking about.

I was also impressed with orbsonb's version....especially after the bit over the top beginning of the video (I gotta say I didn't expect what came after that), cool vibe definitely!
haha, you guys are funny ;)

Matt is a fucking creative guy...c'mon his St.Anger pisstake was fucking are his xmas songs.
He's just a dude enjoying music and doing what he does idea why everyone is getting so agitated about it.
personally I liked his entry quite a bit.
amusing how quick you guys are with starting rumours about people although you actually have fuck all clue about the person you're talking about.

I was also impressed with orbsonb's version....especially after the bit over the top beginning of the video (I gotta say I didn't expect what came after that), cool vibe definitely!

I heard you do coke.
Cant be fucked reading through the rest of this thread but I was searching through some songs for this... and apparently the album version has already leaked?!

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