MetalSucks and Nevermore “Create Your Own Conspiracy” Contest

What can I say? I was raised Catholic...there's a whole helluva lot of self-loathing that comes with it so what's one more punishment? :lol:
I respect that Matt Smith guy. His post on here was well done, as well, he's clearly not a moron. And to find out that he did that St. Anger thing..? AMAZING.. Heard that a long time ago, shit/pissed me pants. It's nothing short of brilliance. :lol:
Wow there's a lot of bullshit on this thread. Let me add some more! Here's my submission. I'm shit at mixing so turn up the volume if you want to hear the vocals the way they should be, I forgot to boost the master volume before I bounced the track to give the vocals more "pop". Worship Satan. :Puke:

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That one's actually been my second favorite behind orbsonb's. Not too crazy about the lyrics themselves, but the execution is unique and memorable, especially the chorus! :rock:
holly ballsacks, i just got notified via youtube that i won the this is awesome. thanks to everyone who liked it, and also to people who didn't like it and said funny things about not liking it!
That is awesome, it was by far my favorite. Ok ok I didn't listen to them all but after sitting through a handful of absolutely terrible ones that just kept getting worse I couldn't take anymore and knew the odds were against anything better.
I didn't listen to them all, either, after 3 or 4 growling ones I decided to just check here to see what people liked. Penguintard did a damn good one, liked his the most. Congrats dude! Now start a band. ;) And grow some hair. :P