MetalSucks and Nevermore “Create Your Own Conspiracy” Contest

holly ballsacks, i just got notified via youtube that i won the this is awesome. thanks to everyone who liked it, and also to people who didn't like it and said funny things about not liking it!

Congratulations, dude!

I liked your version the best, you totally deserve this!
Hey look, Barlow gave it a try too.

that dude does an awesome Russell Allen

also most Sonata Arctica's songs are pretty gay, they are kind of the backstreet boys of power metal, but i quite enjoy their old stuff. and mabye a year ago i would have agreed about blind guardian but i finally buckled down got nightfall in middle earth in my car and it hasn't been out for about a year now, i fucking love blind guardian <3

EDIT: lol i should have followed this thread, i missed a lot :p
it was a blast! the band and crew were unbelievably nice to my friends and me. at the end of the show, warrel dragged me onstage to help sing Enemies of Reality, which was an awesome surprise. i got to hang around with the band for an hour or so after the show...Jim gave me some beastly free vinyl picturediscs of the self-titled album, the In Memory EP, and POE, which I've since given to my friend who collects vinyl. it was a great experience and i'm glad to know that Nevermore are such cool people.

enemy242 said:
pretty good but damn that guy was nerdy haha

people who aren't nerds are losers ;)
it was a blast! the band and crew were unbelievably nice to my friends and me. at the end of the show, warrel dragged me onstage to help sing Enemies of Reality, which was an awesome surprise. i got to hang around with the band for an hour or so after the show...Jim gave me some beastly free vinyl picturediscs of the self-titled album, the In Memory EP, and POE, which I've since given to my friend who collects vinyl. it was a great experience and i'm glad to know that Nevermore are such cool people.

Awesome man! You did good, btw.
thanks sir!

i started sounding really bad in the second prechorus because i was straining my voice so i could hear myself over the instruments, not realizing i was singing into a MICROPHONE because i'm an idiot, so i started singing really wussy/sloppy because i was in mortal pain, haha. i didn't realize how bad it sounded when i was onstage. hopefully the audience was distracted enough by my wild flailing and gesticulating that they didn't notice
pretty good but damn that guy was nerdy haha

You find him nerdy, i think he has balls.
If i was standing there, i'd probably piss my pants, forget my own lyrics and fuck it all up :ill:

Great flow and it's good to see that you enjoyed it so much.
Keep your memories alive!