Jeff Loomis's solo album will be released on Sept 30!

Make my long story short:
First of all, Thank You very much if anyone could have some time for reading this.
I reached almost everything that a rock’n roll guy like me could ever wish at my age here In Hungary (and in the music „business”), but I just want more. Of course I’ve still got a lot of challange here but people in Hungary are just so frustrated and gruding what’s killing me (too) slowly, and even if you work as hard as you can, as resoulte as it possible there’s only a minimal chance to get something back you fight for and it’s not worht for it (and I’m not just talking about fortune). That’s why I’m gonna move to America at latest after christmas. So, now I’m trying to „build up” some good relationships and I’m looking for a band, session „jobs” or any kind of record label cause I’ve got loads of heavy/melodic/theatralical/komplex/modern-oldschool „hit songs” in stock
(it’s like, put some balls from PanterA and feed it with some komplex melodic Nevermore kind of riff rippin).
I’ve manoeuvred myself into many studio/tour music session jobs for the last few years and I’m over hundreds of gigs by now.
Being in a band and playing music for living is my only dream.
I live for music and music only.
So If anyone look for someone who needs a dedicated blues / rock / mainly metal genre guitar player or You're the one (who knows), don’t hesitate to contact me through MySpace or e-mail!
Check my songs and videos at, which is my new promo site.

Mowgli, the Cowboy from Hungary!

Here is an unnamed instrumental song which is pretty much influenced by Jeff Loomis:
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Make my long story short:
First of all, Thank You If You could have some time for reading this.
I reached almost everything that a rock’n roll guy like me could ever wish at my age here In Hungary (and in the music „business”), but I just want more. Of course I’ve still got a lot of challange here but people in Hungary are just so frustrated and gruding what’s killing me (too) slowly, and even if you work as hard as you can, as resoulte as it possible there’s only a minimal chance to get something back you fight for and it’s not worht for it (and I’m not just talking about fortune). That’s why I’m gonna move to America at latest after christmas. So, now I’m trying to „build up” some good relationships and I’m looking for a band, session „jobs” or any kind of record label cause I’ve got loads of heavy/melodic/theatralical/komplex/modern-oldschool „hit songs” in stock
(it’s like, put some balls from PanterA and feed it with some komplex melodic Nevermore kind of riff rippin).
I’ve manoeuvred myself into many studio/tour music session jobs for the last few years and I’m over hundreds of gigs by now.
Being in a band and playing music for living is my only dream.
I live for music and music only.
So If You look for someone who needs a dedicated blues / rock / mainly metal genre guitar player or You're the one (who knows), don’t hesitate to contact me through MySpace or e-mail!
I’m a big fan of Your guitar playing and song writter skills!
Check my songs and videos at, which is my new promo site.
Many thanks and I hope You didn’t feel it disturbing!

Mowgli, the Cowboy from Hungary!

Here is a Nevermore rehearsal video (Born):

hello ati, ki fognak készíteni téged a neverboardosok a spamelésért :)))))))
(shockos szilvi vagyok)

by the way, he's not lying he's a very talented guitarist and a nice guy, I know him.
It is the ultimate metal success story; I am totally awestruck.
Well done Attila, you definitely deserve it! I seriously cannot wait to hear a song composed by you AND Jeff... It may well be the greatest thing ever!
i listened to this album so many times and its the most eargazmic album there is of neo classical metal ever. i mean, the thought the riffs and the tones are just amazing.
nothing less expected from jeff loomis