Jenny Karevik will perform with SW at ProgPower Europe!


May 14, 2007
WOW, fantastic news!!
From Seventh Wonder’s Facebook-page:

"Hey, everyone! We have some wonderful news for our fans attending the ProgPower Europe festival: we are happy to announce that Jenny Karevik will accompany us on our trip to the Netherlands! And yes, she will join us on stage as well ;-) !
We are very much looking forward to the headlining-show on Friday (the 30th of September) and we hope a lot of you will be there to experience this special evening with us!"
I am so happy about the news! :hotjump: I have to say I had already hoped for this, but it's really great to have my hopes confirmed! September 30th can't come soon enough!
It's gonna be special for sure, Xandra. I saw Jenny perform with SW during the releaseparty of 'The Great Escape' and it was awesome!
I knew you would, Jonta ;) !
The releaseparty was a blast (actually, the whole weekend was an experience I'll never forget) and I enjoyed the long chat I had with you and your friend in the midddle of the night at our hotel: good times!
Which songs did Jenny sing with SW last night, 30-09-11? Did anyone get a photo of her? I've only seen her on a YouTube video from a Swedish talent show singing something unmetallic.
Jenny performed two songs in front of the stage:
1. "Long way home" - which she almost entirely sang alone, except for the last part when Tommy (after playing acoustic guitar) stept in as well (album-reversed, so to speak).
2. "One last goodbye" - the guys performed an amazing rendition of this song: the transition from a slow, (almost) acoustic peace to a 'full band explosion' starting with the "...I'm flying high...'-part was magnificent!
(Like with the album version) Jenny fitted in perfectly of course.

During a couple of other songs Jenny was on stage in the background and did some of the backing vocals.
Long way home:


Vids are starting to pop up on youtube.
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I'm still so thrilled that Jenny joined the guys on stage for PPE. Both songs were absolutely amazing! I just loved the idea to reverse Long Way Home and Tommy on the acoustic guitar. :worship:

And I so wish someone has filmed One Last Goodbye! I did start to film it, but my camera likes only acoustic songs and since they did this fantastic transition in a full electric performance, I just have a tiny part of it. :err:

And it was so nice talking to her after the gig and she was so sweet to sign my cd booklets. Precious. :)