Jen's getting hate the juicy details...

Hey guys....check out this latest piece of hate mail I just got out of the blue...kind of weird because they sent it to my personal email addy which is nowhere on our website...Gee...whomever could have written such a thing???? Actually I have a good idea of who wrote this...

ooooh I think I may lose sleep over some anonymous person’s sour grapes...


I'm sooo busy working 60+ hours a week...I laugh at this shit...whatever. We play Maiden for fun. These five maidenly women are the most fun, down-to-earth women I know and believe me...OUR SHIT DOES STINK...because i've smelled it on tour.


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003 7:34 AM
Subject: comments

What makes you think your shit don't stink? You need to stop being such a rude bitch. Your "maidens" look more like a bunch of "Iron Hookers." Have some class. Guess you think you and hubby's ass wiping Metallica tribute band are too good for some. Huh? Your higher than mighty attitude, sucks. Other Metallica tribute bands, such as Alchoholica, kick Creeping Death's ASS! The word will be spread for people to not waste their time and money on you and your hubby's attempts at being tribute bands....
What a frustated motherfucker!!! Who tha hell he think he is ?! If he has anything to say to you SAY IT HERE!!! But he won't coz he know ppl would be beat the shit out of him.
Hey Jen, I bet this is the guy that made a move on you and then you presented your husband :lol: It seems that he couldn't handle the truth. What an asshole.

PS: How that hell did he got your email ?!
"This guy is a jackoff...a real jackoff!" --George Carlin

I really don't understand the non-logic of this type of mentality. If you hate someone, why are you giving them that much of your time? It sounds to me like this guy needs to get laid.
Smylex said it pretty well. If the guy hates you why is he spending the time to whine about it? He obviously has no life or a very pathetic one if he is crying about what tribute band is better. Unfortunatley there are so many of these people online who do nothing but complain, its really sad.
smylex said:
"This guy is a jackoff...a real jackoff!" --George Carlin
It sounds to me like this guy needs to get laid.

Boy, Smylex, I'm normally in full agreement with you, but I wouldn't expect any woman to take one for the team with this guy. Layin' to good fer 'em! :Spin:
alanbirdsell said:
Boy, Smylex, I'm normally in full agreement with you, but I wouldn't expect any woman to take one for the team with this guy. Layin' to good fer 'em! :Spin:

First, did I say anything about this guy being heterosexual and second, do we really know if he's pitching?

If it is who Jen thinks it is (and who I suspect it might be as well), then said individual should go find a workout buddy so they can go to the gym and pump each other. Of course, I can't prove said person is gay, but people have a hard time thinking he's straight. :Smug:
Yeah...the joke a sense...tribute bands are's not like we're writing anything original with this particular project...How can anyone have an ego about doing a Maiden tribute when they have to don those wild / rediculous spandex / satin pants for every gig...I mean no disrespect to Bruce but it's IMPOSSIBLE to have a "High and Mighty Attitude" when you look like you're right out of the bloody circus.
You are right SMYLEX...I know one person with that much manifested hatred...and once he comes to terms w/ his homosexuality...I think he will lead a much more happy and honest life.
Bruce Chickinson said:

These five maidenly women are the most fun, down-to-earth women I know and believe me...OUR SHIT DOES STINK...because i've smelled it on tour.[/font]


Jen, yer a riot. When are you going to start writing your own lyrics? :loco:
Ah, the price of fame and fortune... OK the fortune part isn't a reality yet, but the Maidens get more famous by the day!

Between all the marraige proposals, hate mail, and occasional previews of artwork (damn needy artists anyways!), it is amazing that the gals ever find time to get things done. And I'm sure all this a major factor as to why a few of our PMs don't get answered...

But really, it just comes down to the fact that a few people thought the gals would never go anywhere with this, and now that they are so much in demand... well some people just don't like it when others are successful and they are not...

The Maidens have worked extremely hard to get this far, and it shows in their high degree of skill and showmanship. Anyone who thinks it is simply the fact that the Maidens look good onstage, and that the male promoters seeking them for gigs are thinking with the wrong head obviously isn't paying attention...
Melisan said:
Jen, yer a riot. When are you going to start writing your own lyrics? :loco:

Start???? I've already written about 1,000,000. That's how I flunked Algebra class in high school...I had a high production lyric factory going on in the back while not falling asleep and drooling all over my desk (which happened almost daily).


The kind of writing I'd really love to do if I had the time is jokes for stand up comedy. Those peeps are saints. They are using their skills to make peeps laugh and bring them true happiness. My favorite now is the Dave Chappell show.
SciKikMobster said:
Damn Player Haters!

Yeah, don't hate the player, hate the game. There's no rules, but people will try to enforce them. Hell, like Jen said, this project is all about fun and sharing a passion for Iron Maiden. hurdle the bozo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Melisan said:
Jen, yer a riot. When are you going to start writing your own lyrics? :loco:

She writes awesome stuff; I have a stack I use for inspiration!
Pretty bold statement when the iron ladies draw in a consistently large of the largest for a tribute band. Hell, the ladies got quite a few followers too. Does Jen's shit stink.... who fucken cares. It's about having a good time. If you're not having a good time, then LEAVE!