Jerry Falwell roasts in hell

I actually go a lot to Lynchburg, VA. his home town, and believe it or not, most people in town hate him.
He was really a negative person, and narrow minded.

I personally also hate him because he cut down almost a whole mountain of trees just to put his Liberty University big sign on the hill.

when my mother told me today i nearly said "good im glad"

but still whether you hated or liked him (ew) wishing death on someone isnt exactly a sign of good character

still, he was a major annoyance, especially here in VA

Pat Robertson is too.

and Lioness, i hear that about Lynchburg.

from what i understand, he 'tainted' the city with his essence of ignorance and hate
at least his ignorance is entertaining

falwell's was more along the lines of 'wtf mate?'
so true story

back when i was in HS, someone falsified my name and address as being interested in attending Liberty University, so i used to get phone calls and information packets every other week to attend this 'school'/brainwashing institution.

of course i used to also get letters from Coppin State College in Baltimore exhorting me to attend there as well... but i dont think that would have worked out very well. pity.
Pat Robertson actively hates abortion/abortionists. Pat Robertson has investments in Chinese cable companies. Pat Robertson's continued prosperity in his endeavours very much relies on the good graces of the Chinese government. The Chinese government has a rather blackened record when it comes to abortion and infanticide.

Fuck that guy.
pat robertson is a dumbass

"i predict great troubles and tribulations for the USA in 2006... several massive hurricanes and a tsunami"

...none of it happened in 2006 ace.
At the time he's saying this, his fundamentalist followers are nodding in righteous agreement, and when the predictions don't come true, they're too busy detailing their anti-gay signs, or whatever, to notice.