Jesus Didn't Exist

Yep he didn't. There are only a couple of historical mentions of Christ, and by Christ, they mean the ancient egyptian for "Annointed one". Any other historical mentions of Jesus are proven forgeries.

And the gospels being evidence is bull too, as if you analysed the provenance of it, it is about as useful as a fairytale, which it pretty much is (well it's actually an astrological literary hybrid according to some)

I'm new to this forum, but on any other forum this topic would be locked. I'm loving this forum already.
Jesus DID exist, but the guy who's referred to isn't the real one who walked the earth once upon a time and brought new religion. After his death, things were edited, especially when "Christianity" reached Constantine II 's hands, and added a LOT of pagan rituals (Christmas, Easter and whatnot) as well as faith.
Those who deny this,I am not addressing to you guys but to the conspiracy theorists, are misunderstanding the interpretation they got in hand, i mean, they relieved that what the bible says is pure paganism faith and ancient religion, which has two explanations, either it was just fairy tales, or, it was edited. And I personally believe in the latter, coz it sounds more logical, coz people didn't wake up one day and found a book called "the bible" that tells stories about someone who they didn't meet. Well I already commented on this somewhere else, so i will quote my own views :
they are ushering in their theosophical ideas and pushing them forth onto people. Jordan Maxwell is one example; he spent almost his entire life exposing the Illuminati and externalizing their mystery but he is doing the very thing that they wanted him to do; induct people into theosophy (in which he himself believes in) , and in one of his conferences, he confessed that he is really interested in Helena Petrovna Blavatsky 's (founder of theosophic society together with William Quan Judge and Henry Steel Olcott..) work “Isis Unveiled Part II” from which he is got his name "Jordanus Maximus" by the way and if you do your "homework" as he says, you will find out that he misrepresents facts and uses the public ignorance to do it, example ; He claims that Christians say "amen" at the end of their prayers, as reference to the God Sun ; Amon Ra.. but Amon is just Romanization of that God's name which is originally pronounced "Akhmon", therefore, it has nothing to do with the word Amen. And the same thing for Isis. Also, Jordan Maxwell confessed in one of this admitted that Merlin Pirmahal (not sure that I'm spelling is name correctly tho. sorry) who's 33d degree Freemason is one of his great friends and that Christianity has nothing to do with sun worship in a debate with William Cooper in one radio show. So Jordan Maxwell, Peter Joseph, S.Achraya are doing exactly what the elites want them to do (make people accept what they claim to be true, the Freemasons doctrine), and not only that, most of their arguments are based on Helena Blavatsky work that was stated above. They brainwash children with theosophical principles most of the schools around the world, and you can see this happening in Tunisia too, notice that religious teaching is slightly changing every year, and I am sure that it will expire soon, consequently, children won’t have a clue about religion.
Bottom line is, they are putting the New World Order into practice by such errors in interpreting/ representing history, religion, and myths in order to create a universal brotherhood of humanity to make blend in the New Age.
lol, an article coming from doesn't seem to me to be the most credible source for research.. I'm honestly on my way out the door so I can't go into it, but Jesus did exist as a person, (notice I said as a person) and through languages his name was translated into different words when he travelled to other countries to study various spiritual paths in other eastern nations, and then bringing them back with him when his history picks up again in the Bible, exhibiting the hippy like values he did. 'You' can actually find a clear path of his existence if you look hard enough. I know that's rather vague, but if 'YOU' actually look hard enough in various historical texts and don't rely on obviously biased and presumptuous articles and research to do the thinking for 'you', 'you' can find it, obviously since it is so far in the past its hard to determine anything for 100% fact, but there are some really good clues out there, that are a hell of a lot less vague and unimaginable than some of the shit floating around. I also don't believe its up to me to prove anything to anyone here regarding this issue, and I will not respond to 'prove it' or 'provide sources'. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and SHOULD be capable of proving things to themselves. I am not trying to convince anyone here or prove anything, just sharing. 'You' can believe in the non-existence of the spaghetti monster just as others can believe in the existence of the spaghetti monster, they are both merely beliefs... If 'you' even look at that in a boolean or more accurately binary manner, we can see that even 0/false is a state of existence. Acknowledging and professing non-existence is the same as acknowledging or professing existence as neither are proven, nor can they be as of yet.

Just my two cents.

ps: Every instance of 'you' was intended as generalized and non directed.
Hex, where is your quote from? Because in general I agree.

As far as Jesus goes, he did not have any hippy like values. He 100% backed the word in the Torah. What he denounced was the teachings by the Pharisees that became the Talmud. He did not found a new religion, and he did not speak against the words of YHWH.
Jesus of Nazareth most likely existed, and he was probably born sometime prior 5.B.C.E, perhaps in September and he almost certainly didn't do any of the things ascribed to him.

The article you mention has a certain insecurity in it's length. Further to that this statement:

"So if you hear anyone who claims to have evidence for a witness of a historical Jesus, simply ask for the author's birth date. Anyone who's birth occurred after an event cannot serve as an eyewitness, nor can their words alone serve as evidence for that event".

Applies to those than say there was no historical Jesus also, and is frankly bullshit.
My View: It's historically accurate to say that a man names Jesus did walk the earth, in the time period it has been placed in. But the records and evidence at hand point to him being born sometime in the late spring. Which goes back to what hex said about the adding of various pagan rituals, which in turn twisted the faith, and the man far out of proportion from it's original self.
It's abundantly clear to anyone even slightly versed in the period, or Christian history that no historical Jesus matched the Jesus usually conceived of. Most of the distasteful stuff (and indeed the fabrications) came much later.

That anyone needs to go to this length, with as much poorly masked vitriol is just a tad silly.
I am amazed at the ignorance. One bible tells all? Does one Anthropology book explain everything?

For fucks sake, there is a standard to being right. Namely, one of them is knowing EVERYTHING about what you're talking about. Maybe if people got their act together and started caring, they'd read the other material, the contraband at the time, start putting pieces together, analyzing why it's heresy and why this is not, who would have motives to call it heresy, what are those motives...Point being, Jesus was just a man. He had to have his life engineered into being the Son of God, and it was perfect.

The ONLY question remains; How did Mary get pregnant?
Jesus of Nazareth most likely existed, and he was probably born sometime prior 5.B.C.E, perhaps in September and he almost certainly didn't do any of the things ascribed to him.
the idea of "December 25th" being "Christ's birthday" came out of pagan rituals celebrating the winter equinox

according to the "historians" that study "where holidays come from", december 25th was actually the day "Gabriel" told Mary that she was "with child"
so... i guess that puts Jesus actual birthday in September, maybe
I am amazed at the ignorance. One bible tells all? Does one Anthropology book explain everything?

For fucks sake, there is a standard to being right. Namely, one of them is knowing EVERYTHING about what you're talking about. Maybe if people got their act together and started caring, they'd read the other material, the contraband at the time, start putting pieces together, analyzing why it's heresy and why this is not, who would have motives to call it heresy, what are those motives...Point being, Jesus was just a man. He had to have his life engineered into being the Son of God, and it was perfect.

The ONLY question remains; How did Mary get pregnant?

i actually know a girl
one day she threw up in the morning when she woke up
didn't think anything of it, threw up the next morning and thought maybe she had somesort of flu, vomited upon waking a few more times and sort of thought about seeing a doctor, but then when the vomiting stopped, she became convinced she'd had some sort of flu and that she'd healed, when she missed her period, she thought it was from her medication, when she went for her "annual check-up" the doctor said she was 6 months pregnant, she hadn't realized she was pregnant because she had no memory of doing penis-in-vagina sex
it turned out that she'd been drugged at a party and after genetic testing proved the identity of the genetic father her kid, he was charged with drugging her, and having sex with her while she was drugged, and he got a reduced sentence for showing "the court" a video tape that shows 7 other men having sex with this woman even though she has no memory of any of it and actually believed she was a virgin untill she discovered that she was 6 months pregnant

my point is that with "the virgin mary" it is possible that a penis ejaculated into her vagina without her having any memory of it

also right after the destruction of Soddom and Gammorah, after Lot's wife turns into a pillar of salt, there's the story of "Lot and his daughters" that talks about the daughters getting Lot "drunk from wine" and getting themselves pregnant even though Lot doesn't remember having sex with them, it's definately possible to have sex with no memory of it
Yeah but there's a whole subforum for religious and philosophical debate which is awesome, as I just love stirring up controversy

If you want to stir up controversy here, proclaim your faith in Christ.

I think it's pretty asinine to claim that Jesus didn't exist at all. The figure that the Biblical Christ is based on most likely existed, and most likely said some of the things he's rumored to have said. We have different accounts of his teachings, which means that different oral tradtions of them were in circulation. This means that likely several people had witnessed his alleged teachings and spread the word.

EDIT: furthermore, the fact that Christianity borrows from several ancient pagan traditions is well-known and well-documented. This doesn't prove that Jesus did not exist, however; all it does prove is that the forefathers of Christianity recognized several of these traits in various archetypal tales and utilized them in order to supplant them. The essay asks "Why Jesus?" One of the most important aspects of Christ's sermons is the internalization of sin. Jesus said that not only is killing someone a sin, but even merely harboring the thought of killing someone is sin. Before Christ, only the acts themselves could be punished; now, here we have Jesus saying that even contemplation of the acts is punishable by God. Quite a frightening religion, if you ask me.