Jet City JCA50


Aug 31, 2007
Surrey, UK
After hearing the clips of the 20w Jet City posted up here I while back I have been thinking about getting the jca50 and selling my engl thunder, (yeah I know its a thunder...)

Anyone got one of these or actually had a proper chance to spend some time with one or even its big brother?

I've heard nothing but good about it. The higher wattage models also have a ton more gain, so it might be super into metal territory. They have such great and unique tone!
Took my guitar to the shop so I would get a proper idea of what the amp actually sounds like instead of using one of the shops axes. Tried the JCA100 as they had no 50s in stock and from reading the website they are the same amps minus 2 6l6s.

I played with the amp for quite a bit of time and waited before I did what every metal loving guitarist would do....crank the gain up pass 12 o'oclock! As I was in a shop I couldn't really rail with amp and take it past 2.5 but I'm sold. The gain is thick and complex and the presence knob really seems to help fine tune the sound which is what my engl is lacking IMO. It has the lower mid density that I've been after but its not harsh and it just sings and for leads it is just butter. Add more gain and you are right up at 4 o'clock before there is any major nasty fizzy stuff pumping out. Its almost like a politer 5150....don't pan me for saying that!

I can see how you could get that drop A meshuggah single string thing out of this amp as the lower mids are voiced in that type of way which is what really made my ears prick up so once they get the 50 watt in stock in true waynes world fashion; it will be mine, oh yes it will be mine.