Jettison Greymatter - Recluse


Apr 5, 2003
Jettison Greymatter - Recluse - 013 - 2006
By Brandon Strader


Jettison Greymatter's MySpace page lists some cool influences, yet their music sounds like none of the listed bands and the production is so horrid that it's actually refreshing in the sense that it doesn't sound immediately generic. Beneath the fuzz and actual distorted crackles that fizzle above the audio, you can hear the pitter patter of little hardcore baby feet seeking a supple teet. They're not quite matured enough as a band to stand on their own and the songwriting is nothing you haven't already heard.

The sad fact is, if Recluse would have been produced well and clean like most hardcore bands of today, it wouldn't stick out at all from any other. It's the terrible production that keeps it from sounding like any other random generic hardcore recording. Without a drastic change of sound and style, Jettison Greymatter may be doomed to practically unlistenable obscurity.

Official Jettison Greymatter Website
Official Gomek Website