jim sheppard is gay

When I was in mexico, I coulda swore when you cross the road they are actually trying to run you over. I think dodging is against their religion... of mexicanism.
The irony is.... they all seemed to be driving Dodge trucks too..... :err:
haha! my mom went there when she was little. back then they all drove reeeeeeeally slow apparently. and she saw a little old woman carrying bags of groceries get hit by a car inching up to her. she fell down and all her groceries spilled, then got up and shook her fist and cursed at the driver, who even still, slowwwwwwwly drove on his way :lol:
chainz169 said:
jim sheppard is gay, that guy threw me off stage when i saw them play live. the go t he has says it all.
Jim is not gay, I did him, and I'm a chick. He's a shy sweetie, but once you get to know him he'll open up. ;)
Being white now days is the minority. Ive never met a MEXICAN that liked white people.

From now on Im just gonna yell Black RAge. Cause WHITE POWER is so out of style.
Being white now days is the minority. Ive never met a MEXICAN that liked white people.

From now on Im just gonna yell Black RAge. Cause WHITE POWER is so out of style.

I'm 1/2 Mexican 1/2 Cuban and I only date white guys! Not that I have a problem with other races, but milky white skin turns me on. :blush: