Jobs, the world economy, and University


in the soil beneath
Nov 17, 2004
Austin, Texas
Just curious what everyone does for a living?

I have a college degree, that isn't worth shit. I just relocated back down to the south of the USA from Seattle to Austin. Quit my job once I got here (it was as a douchebag security guy......yeah that went real good with my english degree) and now I can't find shit. I might have to move back home with my parents.

I've been doing some sub teaching in Austin and started working on my teacher certification, but I've realized I don't want to do that shit, plus there isn't any funding for new teachers anyway. Just wondering what everyone does for work. What they think of the world economy and so on.

Edit: I've been real depressed about it all really. Getting called faggot by a bunch of blacks and mexicans for no reason isn't really my idea of a job. And I'm not trying to be racist, but all these kids are absorbed into rap/hip hop culture.
I've worked as grocery clerk for the past 11 years at a failing grocery store franchise. I make 40k a year (weak) and for the past 4 months I've also started selling records on the side. The grocery job isn't bad but working with the public for so long can get really irritating. The record thing started as a hobby until I put more effort into it when I started losing hours at work. I've been slowly building relationships with small labels/distros and so far, its working. Not only is it great to turn a profit each month but its also great knowing I'm helping out some great labels.

Once I get my car paid off I'd like to go back to school and finish up my degrees in business and business management. I have over 120 credits just wasting away at a local community college.
According to this guy the dark really will rise:

So maybe you shouldn't worry about money so much! But in saying that I know it's hard just to survive for a lot of people, I'm lucky being in Australia.. Starting out at Uni this month, the Government pretty much pays for all of it.. but I have to pay it back with lots of interest!
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I'm studying for a bachelor of health: physiotherapy. As the community ages more and more, children get more and more obese or otherwise unhealthy, there is, and will be, a great demand for the services I can give. Healers are always needed.
I've got a worthless high school degree. I attempted college after that but dropped out because I couldn't motivate myself enough to study courses that didn't appeal to me at all. On the other hand, I got high marks on courses that did interest me.

I've been working at the Flemish ministry of education for the past 3 and a half years now. I work at the department where we give scholarships to students who are having trouble to pay their tuition fees.
It's boring as hell, but working for the government sure has its benefits. For example, I can take 52 days off each year, whereas in private sectors, employees usually have 20-25 days.
taking chemistry at university right now, its taking a while. im not sure if i love it or completely hate it, possibly both :lol:

i guess im looking forward to being done school so i can get out and get a job.

i also work for the government in the summer, its a good job, haha love the government
I've worked as grocery clerk for the past 11 years at a failing grocery store franchise. I make 40k a year (weak) ... when I started losing hours at work.

Are we talking about US dollars here? That's over $19/hr, if you're working 40 hours a week, but you're losing hours? Does not compute.

Anyway, to the topic at hand, I graduated Cum Laude with a BA in Psychology, and have an MA in Industrial Psychology. I worked full time throughout the duration of college, accruing no student debt, and I really partied and 69'ed my ass off.

Upon graduation with my MA, I got a gig as a personnel psychologist at US Department of Defense, where I interned. Most of my time is spent: computing psychometric analyses on data pertinent to US Naval aviation testing, working on/generating scoring algorithms for converting raw test scoring metrics into final standardized scores, writing technical government reports on numerous topics (e.g., aforementioned test, annual attrition reports, etc.), writing Examiner's manuals for new online testing platforms and remedying human factors issues affecting these testing platforms before they go live (e.g., sending programmers reports about how to make the platforms more user-friendly and efficient).

My job is awesome. It's intellectually stimulating, I have the opportunity to solve real-world problems, I have my own office where I can listen to Darkthrone loudly most of the time, I have a great deal of freedom as far as work environment and scheduling goes, I work with some of the most brilliant people on the planet (in my 9-person department, 5 of the individuals are Naval aviators with Ph. D's in Statistics and/or Psychology), and I make enough money to travel to Europe to follow Katatonia and Anathema around. :kickass:

The US Defense budget won't be shrinking anytime soon, and my department saves the government ~$40 million/yr. I don't think that my job will be going anywhere. I'd like to parlay this gig into a Ph. D. program at some point in the next 2-3 years.

As far as the world economy goes, fuck if I know. I'll just continue to hone my 69ing skills, so in case of economic collapse, I'll still be able to barter for goods and services by eating cooch/sucking weiners.
Are we talking about US dollars here? That's over $19/hr, if you're working 40 hours a week, but you're losing hours? Does not compute.

You're forgetting benefits. I get Sunday pay (time and a 3rd) as well as 120 hours of vacation time/pay each year and holiday pay (time and a half). The past 8 months I've went from 40 hours a week to 34-35 but I use my vacation time to replace the hours I'm missing each week. Hence, I hardly ever go on vacation because I use it all to replace the hours I'm getting cut. Whenever my boss or another person in my department goes on vacation I do get 40 hours. Make sense now?
You're forgetting benefits. I get Sunday pay (time and a 3rd) as well as 120 hours of vacation time/pay each year and holiday pay (time and a half). The past 8 months I've went from 40 hours a week to 34-35 but I use my vacation time to replace the hours I'm missing each week. Hence, I hardly ever go on vacation because I use it all to replace the hours I'm getting cut. Whenever my boss or another person in my department goes on vacation I do get 40 hours. Make sense now?

Not really.

Your vacation time shouldn't factor into the yearly salary calculation. If you work 34 hours a week and use 6 hours vacation every week, you'd still need to have an hourly rate of $19.23 an hour to make $40k.

Let's pretend that you worked 40 hours a week, did not use any of your vacation time, and your employer allowed you to receive a payout for the 120 hours of vacation time in the form of a check at the end of the year. You'd need to be making $18.20/hr (40hrs x 52wks + 120vaca x $18.20 =$40040).

Now, let's pretend that you get 10 paid 8-hour holidays a year at time and a half. This would essentially equal an extra 40 hours worth of extra pay if your holiday falls on a regularly scheduled workday. This is even allowing for the chance that you're getting holiday pay at a failing grocery store for minor holidays (e.g. Columbus Day, MLK Day). This will give you 40 "free" hours (80 x 1.5 - 80 = 40) a year. (40 x 52 + 120 + 40 x $17.86 =$40000).

I'm done doing math, so we'll just erase your Sunday 1.33x pay based on the fact that you actually use some of your vacation time.

No need to explain yourself, but I think it's funny that you're claiming its "weak" that you supposedly make nearly twice the US median income (~$21k) as a grocery clerk. Plick.

Daddy's guess: you probably make $11 or 12 an hour (based on your tenure) and probably still live with your parents while you rapidly approach 30 and try to finish community college. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but if you're going to lie on an internet forum about how much money you make, at least lie about your job title to make it plausible, too. Who are you trying to impress here? There are like, 2 girls posting, and I'm sure Jonas doesn't care how much money you make. He only cares if you're a good fuck.:Smokedev:
jesus christ LDS, are you bored or sth? :D

Harsh, but hey, math don't lie.

As for myself, I was on the fast track to fame and fortune once. You might remember me from such monumental films as Jerry Maguire and Dr. Do Little. You know the blond kid with glasses ... Well It was all smooth sailing till Tom Cruise introduced me to Scientology and it's true purpose: massive celebrity gang-bangs, train style. After being exposed to that it was nearly impossible to "get my kicks" anymore. I tried sniffing cocaine off shit stained toilets while getting oral from transvestite whores (preferably ones with life threatening diseases). Then I moved to Nicaragua where I was turned onto hunting the most dangerous game of all, "man." Next onto snuff and self mutilation; you name it I was into it, but still it couldn't get me off. Now I live with my cripple friend Ratso Rizzo on the streets in the Big Apple where I sell my body for food stamps and spare change. Currently I'm saving up so I can move us to California, where they say anything is possible (trust me, I should know). On my spare time I like to stare at myself completely nude in the mirror while trying to get my pecker to work.

Every waking hour is part of the lie.
Not really.

Your vacation time shouldn't factor into the yearly salary calculation. If you work 34 hours a week and use 6 hours vacation every week, you'd still need to have an hourly rate of $19.23 an hour to make $40k.

Let's pretend that you worked 40 hours a week, did not use any of your vacation time, and your employer allowed you to receive a payout for the 120 hours of vacation time in the form of a check at the end of the year. You'd need to be making $18.20/hr (40hrs x 52wks + 120vaca x $18.20 =$40040).

Now, let's pretend that you get 10 paid 8-hour holidays a year at time and a half. This would essentially equal an extra 40 hours worth of extra pay if your holiday falls on a regularly scheduled workday. This is even allowing for the chance that you're getting holiday pay at a failing grocery store for minor holidays (e.g. Columbus Day, MLK Day). This will give you 40 "free" hours (80 x 1.5 - 80 = 40) a year. (40 x 52 + 120 + 40 x $17.86 =$40000).

I'm done doing math, so we'll just erase your Sunday 1.33x pay based on the fact that you actually use some of your vacation time.

No need to explain yourself, but I think it's funny that you're claiming its "weak" that you supposedly make nearly twice the US median income (~$21k) as a grocery clerk. Plick.

Daddy's guess: you probably make $11 or 12 an hour (based on your tenure) and probably still live with your parents while you rapidly approach 30 and try to finish community college. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but if you're going to lie on an internet forum about how much money you make, at least lie about your job title to make it plausible, too. Who are you trying to impress here? There are like, 2 girls posting, and I'm sure Jonas doesn't care how much money you make. He only cares if you're a good fuck.:Smokedev:

Are you a CIA agent in your spare time as well? Got any other college accolades you'd like to share with us? Seriously, who's the one trying to impress people here? All I was doing was answering the original question from the TS on what I do for a living. I wasn't trying to impress anyone. In retrospect I do regret calling what I make for a living "weak" but I have goals for myself and working at a dead end job making 40k isn't my "dream job", nothing wrong with that. It was a stupid and arrogant thing to say but I didn't even think for an instant that people would think I was bragging. What I said was 100% the truth. Your math was correct but its a common misconception that most grocery store clerks make only $11-$12 an hour.

To answer your questions, my W2 counts wages and other compensation including vacation into the final gross income. I make exactly $19.20 an hour (you were super close with the $19.23) and I do get holiday pay (time and a half) on top of the 8 hours of free holiday time (regular pay). The grocery store I work at is unionized (teamsters in most departments) and independent with little buying power, which is why its failing. I'm topped out on my pay scale as is about 3/4's of the people that work there. The top of the journeyman pay scale is around $18 but thanks to the cost of living raise each year (40 cents) I've been able to make more after 11 years. The store has very little hours to give each department because the average hourly rate is through the roof. In my department alone the average hourly rate is over $21. Unionized grocery stores (kroger being the main one) pay well. The Wal-Marts and Winco's of the world that aren't unionized don't, which is why they're able sell groceries for so cheap. Does all this compute? Here's a great (although slightly dated) article talking about unionized grocers that you should check out. If you look under "SHOPPING FOR LABOR PEACE" you'll get a good sense of what my union contract is like.

As for your other questions, I'm exactly 30, I own my own condo (although I do miss my Mom's cooking dearly) and I'm in a very happy relationship of almost 4 years with a great girl.
Not really.

Your vacation time shouldn't factor into the yearly salary calculation. If you work 34 hours a week and use 6 hours vacation every week, you'd still need to have an hourly rate of $19.23 an hour to make $40k.

Let's pretend that you worked 40 hours a week, did not use any of your vacation time, and your employer allowed you to receive a payout for the 120 hours of vacation time in the form of a check at the end of the year. You'd need to be making $18.20/hr (40hrs x 52wks + 120vaca x $18.20 =$40040).

Now, let's pretend that you get 10 paid 8-hour holidays a year at time and a half. This would essentially equal an extra 40 hours worth of extra pay if your holiday falls on a regularly scheduled workday. This is even allowing for the chance that you're getting holiday pay at a failing grocery store for minor holidays (e.g. Columbus Day, MLK Day). This will give you 40 "free" hours (80 x 1.5 - 80 = 40) a year. (40 x 52 + 120 + 40 x $17.86 =$40000).

I'm done doing math, so we'll just erase your Sunday 1.33x pay based on the fact that you actually use some of your vacation time.

No need to explain yourself, but I think it's funny that you're claiming its "weak" that you supposedly make nearly twice the US median income (~$21k) as a grocery clerk. Plick.

Daddy's guess: you probably make $11 or 12 an hour (based on your tenure) and probably still live with your parents while you rapidly approach 30 and try to finish community college. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but if you're going to lie on an internet forum about how much money you make, at least lie about your job title to make it plausible, too. Who are you trying to impress here? There are like, 2 girls posting, and I'm sure Jonas doesn't care how much money you make. He only cares if you're a good fuck.:Smokedev:

Hahaha OWNED!!! There's no way I'd ever bang that guy now. What a fucking loser! He'd need to handle a hell of a lot more than coupons all day to be able to handle a woman. I'd assume that he's so desperate for love that he probably dry-humps shopping carts in the back room.
Not really.

Your vacation time shouldn't factor into the yearly salary calculation. If you work 34 hours a week and use 6 hours vacation every week, you'd still need to have an hourly rate of $19.23 an hour to make $40k.

I'm a student and have had a part time 10 hour a week job since september, what with the post christmas slump and all they have lowed my hours to 5 a week for at least untill march when things might pick up again. I have 5 days worth of holiday built up each one consisting of 5 hours and im now taking one a week so that my pay is equal to 10 hours a week.

I get what your saying with your argument, but however you make up your total hours a week is irrelevant if your still getting paid as much if you see what I mean, so whether your working 35 hours a week and then 5 are made up from holiday days then what does it matter, your still getting that amount of pay for 40 hours.
BlueSky - fucking hilarious i laughed my ass off dude.

LordDark SOul, kinda of a douchebag thing to say man, your comments were really condescending man. Your job sounds cool, and you're lucky to be intelligent enough to do something like that, but why make the personal shots at Morfeind?
Are you a CIA agent in your spare time as well? Got any other college accolades you'd like to share with us? Seriously, who's the one trying to impress people here? All I was doing was answering the original question from the TS on what I do for a living. I wasn't trying to impress anyone. In retrospect I do regret calling what I make for a living "weak" but I have goals for myself and working at a dead end job making 40k isn't my "dream job", nothing wrong with that. It was a stupid and arrogant thing to say but I didn't even think for an instant that people would think I was bragging. What I said was 100% the truth. Your math was correct but its a common misconception that most grocery store clerks make only $11-$12 an hour.

To answer your questions, my W2 counts wages and other compensation including vacation into the final gross income. I make exactly $19.20 an hour (you were super close with the $19.23) and I do get holiday pay (time and a half) on top of the 8 hours of free holiday time (regular pay). The grocery store I work at is unionized (teamsters in most departments) and independent with little buying power, which is why its failing. I'm topped out on my pay scale as is about 3/4's of the people that work there. The top of the journeyman pay scale is around $18 but thanks to the cost of living raise each year (40 cents) I've been able to make more after 11 years. The store has very little hours to give each department because the average hourly rate is through the roof. In my department alone the average hourly rate is over $21. Unionized grocery stores (kroger being the main one) pay well. The Wal-Marts and Winco's of the world that aren't unionized don't, which is why they're able sell groceries for so cheap. Does all this compute? Here's a great (although slightly dated) article talking about unionized grocers that you should check out. If you look under "SHOPPING FOR LABOR PEACE" you'll get a good sense of what my union contract is like.

As for your other questions, I'm exactly 30, I own my own condo (although I do miss my Mom's cooking dearly) and I'm in a very happy relationship of almost 4 years with a great girl.

Well, if that's what you're making as a grocery clerk, then I salute you sir. Those sorts of wages for retail/service is really unheard of.

With that being said, it's not surprising that the company is failing when it's paying those sorts of union wages for unskilled labor. Ditching the unions and becoming a more oppressive employer would make for a better business model.
Independent is the way to go for sure.

I finish my BA in business admin concentrated in marketing in May. Five years of school to do it, but it will finally be done. I've been working 24 hour weeks during school for the last 2 years, and 40 on breaks, which is awesome. I've also been playing baseball my whole college career. Though I did have a year that I tore my UCL in my elbow and had to have Tommy John surgery.

I'm going into electrical wholesale. I think the whole industry is really interesting. I start an apprenticeship as soon as soon as my school year is over. Hopefully that will make me more marketable in the future.

I know I won't make much more than 35k a year USD starting out. I guess that's the price I pay to do something I really think I will enjoy in the future though.
Well, if that's what you're making as a grocery clerk, then I salute you sir. Those sorts of wages for retail/service is really unheard of.

With that being said, it's not surprising that the company is failing when it's paying those sorts of union wages for unskilled labor. Ditching the unions and becoming a more oppressive employer would make for a better business model.

Unheard of maybe on the east coast, but not the west coast. Kroger is HUGE on the west coast and is doing very well with a business model that includes the labor unions. The company I work for is an independent grocer that was hit hard by the fall of the economy since price wasn't our main selling point, quality and customer service was. For the last year, we've dropped our prices so that we're on par with Kroger and we still sell quality goods and offer great customer care. As for unions, they're not for every business but for grocery stores I think they're very important. If all grocery stores did away with unions you may as well say goodbye to the middle class. This country needs people to spend money and if you take money out of the pockets of the middle class its just going to get worse. If the company I work for fails its not because they're paying workers like myself good money. The landscape of the grocery business has changed and its really hard for the independents to compete with stores like Wal-Mart and Winco if the only thing people care about is price.

Here is more information about Kroger if you're interested -