
ive been a fan of opeth since just before deliverance came out, when i was like 13 or something. This band got me into extreme metal, and i think its amazing how they can keep the integrity of the band with the huge rise in popularity in recent years. Ironically, if they'd have had the same exposure they have now due to roadrunner back when BWP was released, they would probably be bigger than they are now. While i love Watershed, its easily the hardest Opeth record to get into, everything in it is an extreme. There seems to be very little middle ground.
Meanspark said:
yes, french is my first language, thats why my english is so bad.

Your English is excellent, Meanspark. Far better than my French! :)

Re: The Opeth thing, the first album I heard was Blackwater Park and blew me away once I'd adjusted to Michael's Death Metal vocals (I'd actively avoided that vocal style up to that point). Bleak is one of my all-time favourite songs ever. I then hoovered up all their output and loved all of it. Ghost Reveries left me feeling a bit let down, then Watershed I liked, but it never grabbed me like the earlier stuff. It feels like something's missing, but I can't put my finger on what it is. Maybe it's how it goes with all bands, they evolve and your tastes evolve, but not necessarily in the same direction.

I've seen them live twice and they've been brilliant both times.
Please don't take what I said wrong.
I think Opeth are an amazing band.
It's just when a band from the underground gets popular, and tours a LOT, you suffer from overexposure, esp to your longtime fans. This has happened with every band from Opeth to Arch Enemy to In Flames to Iced Earth, etc.

These bands pick up new fans along the way, but probably lose a few older attendees each time. I know many times Opeth have come, I say to myself, "Ah, I have work tomorrow. I will catch them next time"
Back to the job thing, right now I'm hating my job. First playoff game for the Brewers in 26 years and I can't even listen to it because I'm stuck in the middle of a steel building and can't get reception. I'm going to have to watch updates on the computer. I hate that.
No sarcasm! It's a quote from a movie. I'm shocked no one has caught it yet!
yeah, i was talking about the movie. mike and al used to point at me and laugh when that scene came on.
actually, we just watched that movie last week for the first time in probably 8-9 years. totally in the mood for horror lately, with fall and Halloween i guess.
Back to the job thing, right now I'm hating my job. First playoff game for the Brewers in 26 years and I can't even listen to it because I'm stuck in the middle of a steel building and can't get reception. I'm going to have to watch updates on the computer. I hate that.

Dude, you are playing the Phillies.
Best of luck my friend.... :lol: