John Bush and Hotwheels?????

I think I saw him last night when I was showing my niece where the Cartoon Network channel move too. Damn I goot get a new channel listing.
New channel listings suck. We haven't had one really since I discovered that one of the shop-at-home channels is now MTV2. And several months ago, FX and VH1 switched places, caused a couple of panic attacks while I was trying to find The Shield. :grin:
Yeah, I have VH1, MTV, USA, FX, TNT and Spike all in a row. Weird. TBS is like 20 channels away, though.

Oh, and around Christmas I was making some homemade ornaments. The plan was to have my son help me paint them but he wasn't interested. Anyway, I took the stars and painted them up like Patrick. I even had the right shades for his shorts. It ruled. They were his favorites on the tree.

Did you guys know there's a Spongebob movie due out in November?
Actually I am just outside of the city but its really fuckin cold. Not that I consider that a bad thing cause I love the snow but ice storms just suck!
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Did you guys know there's a Spongebob movie due out in November?

I saw a trailer for that. I didn't know what was going on, as I was seeing footage from Hunt For Red October. Then it all became clear and I laughed my ass off. I might have to check out that movie.

prime666 said:
Actually I am just outside of the city but its really fuckin cold. Not that I consider that a bad thing cause I love the snow but ice storms just suck!
Our you in Lon Island or Long Beach?