John Bush interview

Thanks man, cool interview.

Now when are we gonna get a Frankie interview???
Quote: Originally Posted by mentalmeltdown
When he doesn't wear his gay hat.

Oh come on!
He also wore a road-warrior type armor with the mighty Saint... so I guess that kinda nullifies the gay hat! :lol:

I love Bush. Oh my god, did I just say that aloud? ;)
I have an interview of Frank on a radio station in NYC on tape. I also have an interview on the radio from Australia. He was also on FCD #4 with Charlie, John, and Danny. But no, he doesn't speak a lot. We need Metal Sludge's 20 questions with him.
Amen to the 20 questions with Frank idea Justin.

I dont think we've seen the gay hat for a while anyways.
I e-mailed Scott like a year ago and asked him what's up with the new Anthrax release and among other things asked if Bush's hat was gonna make his way onto the new CD ... Scott told me "No more gay hat".

I think someone lost the "gay" hat.

...and found a wife in the meantime. :)