John Bush on TotalRock


low key
Oct 21, 2002
hey all

check out this weekend...... well this saturday to be precise.... for on saturday 15th feb 9am-12 ( all UK TIMES!!! um......about 1-3 am depending on where u are stateside-ish)

John Bush will be in The Morning Mosh, on TotalRock, choon in from 9 to hear this prerecorded interview ( recorded about 3 weeks ago) which he chats about .........the brand new record, the writing, the recording.... their hell with record companies, armoured saint, the missing bassist position in metallica, anthrax history, the rest of the band and stacks n stacks of other stuff too........

and if that weren't enough, theres gonna be a whole bunch o new choons played from the brand new album too, inc some of the hyped up choons....... with only two weeks to go, thats a pretty good appitiser..........

for more info check the events/schedule page on
sky 885
ntl 874
yeah unfortunately there was no time to get scottie in on the int too, those guys just too busy right now, but thats wicked to see too !! those dudes deserve all the promo for sure !!!! i got to meet him tho so that was col ;) heh heh, nice one on the ident, you got it spot on ;)

and yeah s.o.d for you dude
yeah man the lyric is from burst, one of my fave thrax choons ever

cool cool song, wicked riff, awesome lyrics.......
dude if i could i it is i play a couple per show.......which generally not spposed to, but hey its the thrax man !!!! per yer other comment........ who knows what will happen in march ;)) fingers crossed
lol you play about 4 tracks a show
you should do a thrax show to piss indoctrin gibson ingaytrin whatever his name is heck i bet if he liked anthrax he wouldent admit it
anything more about who's supporting anthrax i hope they don't get some shit band like ellis who supported slayer
nah man, not heard who is supporting yet, was spposed to be shadows fall but they seem to have their own thing going prolly not them after all......hopefully its another band on their label tho, cos they have some superb bands on there.............
would rather not have oms opening up, not their biggest fan it must be said, rathe have somone thats gonna fit em a bit better, rather than the standard british opening acts.......

i mean i remember when i saw megadeth last year, defenestration were the first band on!?!?!?! i mean seriously wtf!?!?!?!!?
i was gonna go see megadeth
dident everyone turn the other away from the stage when they were on lol
one band i would hate to open for them is godsmack i can't stand that band lol
they gotta get the support confermed soon come this friday it will be one month till they play the astoria
one month exactly in fact innit !!!!

ps i too despise godsmack......they suck, and have no originality in em whatsoever BOOOOOOOOOOO they too ig fro support tho.... good then :)
im so excited im gonna get right at the front again frankie will hopefully be jumping around everywere hopefully scott will be walking around and do his jump that no one else can do like he does
wouldent you rather see one minute silence open for them rather than placebo i don't think anthrax would let placebo open for them lol
are dew secented on nuclear blast they would be a good support band
um yeah given the choice of placebo or oms, yeah i'd go for oms everytime......but nah not a bg fan of their stuff at all, seen em nuff times too, but if its them thats'll do :) heh

to be hoinest i have no idea what label dew scented are on.....

i was hoping it was gonna be dimmu as charlie is a big fan and they on nuclear blast, but they have just gone back into the studio


but yeah man , i am sure this is gonna be a classic tour, they will tear the astoria down, like they did in 98.........

can't wait !!! thank fuck for the thrax, se ya in the front row for sure :)
i'll defently see you in the front row i just hope i can get served a drink at the astoria i was dieing for a drink at the slayer gig my clothes were sticking to me which wasent a good thing lol

i woiuld rather dimmu not open for them lol not a fan of them charlie does like lamb of god they would be a good opening band
what about labrat they would be very good
when was the last time you saw labrat!?!?! when their old singer left , that band died man, the two they try their best, but seesh......
they have been touring a lot since there first singer left i still like them i think there brillant there touring israel of all places at the moment lol

skinlab might support anthrax it will probally be some band you wouldent inspect to support them lol