John has been cancelled.

jesus christ. be more specific. I thought you meant John Stewart, you cocksucking, putrid, cuntsquirt stain.

(yeah yeah, I know it's JON. STILL. I can't spell!)
yeah, Flight of the Conchords is great. I just watched the recent episode again. I love when Murray is going off about how rockstar Jermaine is because he bought the 6 dollar mixed nuts from the mini-bar.
haha, I didn't see that one yet...I think my sister deleted it off my DVR list or something because it didn't record, but I redid it so i'll just catch it later. last one I remember was the one with the racist fruit stand guy, haha
Deadwood is cancelled, but, they got commissioned for 2 2-hour movies which will come next year. Not sure if they're airing on HBO or if their straight to DVD or what.

Either way, Deadwood's cancellation was the saddest moment of my life.

As for John... was gonna wait for the DVD or download, but I guess now theres no real point.
Deadwood is cancelled, but, they got commissioned for 2 2-hour movies which will come next year. Not sure if they're airing on HBO or if their straight to DVD or what.

Either way, Deadwood's cancellation was the saddest moment of my life.

As for John... was gonna wait for the DVD or download, but I guess now theres no real point.

Some new guy is in charge at HBO now so those movies might not even get made. Cocksuckers.

Its okay, Curb Your Enthusiasm is still goin.