John, how was your first day of work?


Aug 30, 2001
Inquiring minds want to know! Did you break anything? Did you make any new friends? Are you feeling the satisfaction of a job well done? :kickass:
I'm flattered you care enough to ask!

Well, today was just orientation. I got there way too early after being so stressed out I was gagging. That quickly went away, as it often does, once I got myself there. I met up with a guy who was also there for orientation and we hit it off well. So, about an hour and a half of it was this nice lady going over the packet with us, filling some stuff out. (Only myself and the other guy were there for orientation).

So, after that the head manager and another manager sat down to talk to us. They went over expectations and such. The head manager was a really funny short, bald man who wasn't afraid to make fun of himself. I liked that. I was sure to keep steady eye contact and ask questions even when it wasn't necessary. Honestly, everyone there has been incredibly nice over the last three days. I can tell they all take a lot of pride in what they do, I have no intentions of letting them down.

So today, I have to memorize a map of the floor with numbers written on the tables. It doesn't go in order, and they skip some numbers, but in less than an hour I have half of it down. Then tomorrow, I go in (at an unspecified time), take the test, and begin training. Considering I'm friends with, and went to high school with 2 of the 3 bussers they have there, training should go well.

All in all, it was a good day. How was yours?
Cool man, sounds good!

All in all, it was a good day. How was yours?

So far it's been typical. Had to come in to work a couple hours early for a pointless meeting, but I made up for it by taking a stupidly long lunch and walking around outside for a bit. Jiu-jitsu practice tonight and then tomorrow is Friday! Might do a solo backpacking trip this weekend. We shall see.
Thank you. Me too.

They definitely don't like it if you don't stay occupied. That was no problem at Circuit City because there was always something to do. I worry I'll run out of shit to do here and not look busy enough.

Of course, I worry about fucking everything.
Keep your area cleaner than anyone else. Make sure you keep your customers happy and you'll not have any problems (with the management,mostly). Other then that, I have nothing else to offer. Well except for keeping yourself clean. In more ways than one. Keep on trucking mai niggah.
So here is my real first day.

I got there early, aced the test in no time, and got right to work. I was trained by a tall, funny black guy I went to high school with. Long story short, I worked sooooooooooo hard. Circuit City was tough, but when I wasn't in the wearhouse I was in great AC. That kitchen was HOT. Everyone said it was hotter than usual.

Anyway, I worked really hard, and the managers noticed. The head manager kept telling me to relax and try not to sweat so much. It was a busy day, man. The place was full. Anyway, I got there at 3:30 and left around 10:30. I haven't eaten in about 2 days because the drug withdrawel is so bad I just can't keep anything down. It was finally catching up to me, and the kitchen was so hot, that during the last 30 minutes (and nobody knows about this) I went to the bathroom and immediately upon walking in threw up.

Anyway, when it was over me and the other 3 bussers (there's only 4 of us period) went to their apartment (he dates and lives with the hostess) with a few other people and drank a little, shot the shit. It was really cool. I'll continue to give it my all, but if Friday was this tough Saturday could be fatal.