How was your weekend? (pics + complaint inside)

I had exam on friday and I studied 14 hours a day this weekend for the oral part I have today... It was one horrible weekend :(
Dead_Lioness said:
First of all, let me start with my complaint... Was there or was there not a show in Seattle this past Friday? After Jaxx there were 14 threads, but now there is barely one... whats going on? give me pictures... give me report... give me SOMETHING.

Ok, my weekend was AWESOME. I spent Saturday in the "country" doing some cool things... First of all I picked up 3 whole buckets of Blueberries (my favorite thing in the world) Then I learned how to make home made tomato juice and home made pasta sauce... (all from home grown tomatos!)
Then I made my own apple butter... YUM YUM!
I love home made fresh things...



How was your weekend?
and do you want to try my blue berry muffins?

Nice set of German knives you got there, Miss!
My weekend was pretty average, until last night when some asshole decided to break into my car and steal my stereo and cd's... I was getting off work at the lame ass best buy in east brunzfuck and get to my car and notice my hood is open. Then as i walk to the door i see the huge hole in my window, and immedialty realize my car had been broken into. Of course my stereo was gone, as well as all the cd's i had in my car (they fucking took my Death-sound of perseverance and Atheist-Elements!) among others... So of course my insurance doesnt cover it, and now i gotta pay to get my window fixed and replace the stereo. The best part is the cop who came said he had been patrolling the parking lot becuase they had 3-4 people in the last week get robbed and that he was driving around there all day. Some fuckin luck!
My weekend involved going down the pub on saturday and drinking lots of ale, then sunday I went with friends to the cemetary to visit our friend who died a year ago today.

Edit: Hmm, I just realised that my weekend sounds like the sort of thing a 60yr old should be doing or something!
Those blueberries look yuuuuummmmy. Mmm.

My weekend was interesting. Friday night my best friend and I drove to a town about 20 miles south of where I live to pick my boyfriend up from band practice and bring him back to my place. On the way back, we were nearly swept away by a torrential downpour on the highway and were forced to drive 30 mph the whole way back. Sucked. At home, we proceeded to drink tequila and smoke pot. While standing out on my balcony, we heard a loud buzzing noise that sounded a lot like the tripods from War of the Worlds, and watched in awe as a huge fucking transformer blew up and threw strange colors all over the sky. At this point, Alex was convinced it was the end of the world and thus renounced death metal and "made his peace with God" by declaring his love for Bobby Brown. We lost power, and spent the rest of the night smoking, drinking, and making up retarded dance moves by candlelight. Plus we all laid on my twin bed for a while, which was bonerrific.

On Saturday, I shopped and saw Snakes on a Plane. Great movie. Sunday was spent cleaning, drinking coffee with friends from out of town, watching Metalocalypse and making fuck.
I sat home on Friday a bright shade of green. On top of not being able to make it to the Seattle show, my friends that I did make plans with pretty much ditched me for men. I need more single friends! hehe..

Saturday I went and had some shopping therapy. I love it when they start putting all the Halloween stuff out! Didn't buy much, due to the fact thaqt I'm moving cross country in four months and I already have too much crap to move. BAH

Then my friend and I rented Scary Movie 4, made some turkey noodle cassarole and chilled the rest of the night

Sunday I wen to The Renaissance Faire. Tons of fun and Tons of nice eye candy. :)
Creator_Failure said:
My weekend was pretty average, until last night when some asshole decided to break into my car and steal my stereo and cd's... I was getting off work at the lame ass best buy in east brunzfuck and get to my car and notice my hood is open. Then as i walk to the door i see the huge hole in my window, and immedialty realize my car had been broken into. Of course my stereo was gone, as well as all the cd's i had in my car (they fucking took my Death-sound of perseverance and Atheist-Elements!) among others... So of course my insurance doesnt cover it, and now i gotta pay to get my window fixed and replace the stereo. The best part is the cop who came said he had been patrolling the parking lot becuase they had 3-4 people in the last week get robbed and that he was driving around there all day. Some fuckin luck!

People need to learn not to carry CD books in their cars. I know so many people who have lost dozens of CDs to low lifes like the ones you have encountered. Whenever I go out, I just bring one or two CDs with me.
A Trace Of Blood said:
People need to learn not to carry CD books in their cars. I know so many people who have lost dozens of CDs to low lifes like the ones you have encountered. Whenever I go out, I just bring one or two CDs with me.

I actually only had 3 cd's in my car, but two of them just happened to be some of my favorites :erk: ... A few years ago i used to have those cd holders that went on your cars visor, and while i was at a party someone stole like 12-15 cd's, and ever since then i usually only have 1-2 in my car at a time
Creator_Failure said:
I actually only had 3 cd's in my car, but two of them just happened to be some of my favorites :erk: ... A few years ago i used to have those cd holders that went on your cars visor, and while i was at a party someone stole like 12-15 cd's, and ever since then i usually only have 1-2 in my car at a time

Another solution would be to only carry burned copies in your car, then if they get stolen you still have the originals at home.
This weekend was the best I've had in a while. We threw our annual "White Trash Bash" and put on four live bands on an outdoor stage. It took months of planning and thousands of dollars, but it was well worth it. Here's a pic of me and my roommates at the party. I was wearing an overall skirt thing, I didn't even know they made those.

Here's a few of the bands so you can see what a pain in the ass that stage was to put together. Do not try this at home.
