So my dad SUCKED! How was yours?

My dad has a bad temper and really likes to hear himself talk. But he's also a really, really fucking cool guy, generally very supportive (in a hardass sort of way), and when he doesn't have to be a father figure he is hilarious and cool to hang out with. Also a fantastic cook.
My old man is a drunk and stoned lunatic. He's completely spontaneous, and does a lot of fucked up shit.

Quite fun to be around, unless its one of those mornings when I have drank a lot the previous night. He tends to wake me in the most awful ways. One morning, he some how got hold of a trumpet and woke me up by blasting a few notes right in my fucking ear. I was deaf in my right ear for a few hours.

And he makes worse puns than Will.

He's also bitter about everything.
Have not spoken to my biological father in about seven or eight years now. As for me real (Step) father, he passed away in 2002. So I dedicate this drink to him, he was one hell of a person.
Have not spoken to my biological father in about seven or eight years now. As for me real (Step) father, he passed away in 2002. So I dedicate this drink to him, he was one hell of a person.
Drink to me, that way I can drink to you and THEN, we'll each have one more under our belts. (my belt was given to me by my grandfather, it's total gunslinger... DIESEL gunslinger)