this was my day, how was yours?

Thank you both ... problem solved ;)

Here's another pic just for the hell of it!!!


This is my hometown ...Chicoutimi!
Dead_Lioness said:
beautiful picture............. im just wondering how come it still doesnt work...
It doesn't???

I'm using webshots now... Plus it's showing just fine on my screen

*suspects a big canadian conspiracy*

...look out DL ...I think THEY're after you... it starts by you not being able to see pics... then you won't see ...ANYTHING!!!!!!

Trust no one...
Nice pics, K.

Oh man, my day was awesome. Woke up at about 6:30, showered, went to school where I pretended to be Napoleon in a debate for Euro History. We got out at noon, I had a hamburger with mushrooms & swiss cheese and a few nips off of my friend Jack's vodka. Went to rehearsal for my writing class's poetry reading, which didn't go well and everybody thought shit was gonna be really bad. Went home, ate dinner, went back to school for the poetry reading.

Reading went awesome. Lots of people (including Carlos Santana) showed up. I came out on stage to "Rock You Like A Hurricane" and did a piece about belief and stuff...pretty fun. Made 30 bucks selling copies of my book, got lots of props.

Post-show, went down to the beach with Jack and our friends Phil and Dima. Phil & Jack racked a bottle of Bacardi Gold, and we walked around getting drunk. Then we went back to Dima's, listened to hella metal, and I assume we played video games or watched TV or had gay sex or something. It's pretty blurry. Oh yeah, I puked a lot.

DON'T CHASE BACARDI GOLD WITH CHOCOLATE MILK. It tastes great, but you will pay for it later.

Me and Phil took a bus back to my house, and I puked more along the way. Out the window of a bus going about 30 mph.

I hope it hit a yuppie. I hate yuppies.

Yeah, I passed out at my house, woke up in the morning, took some Advil, and my dad gave me, Phil and my sis money to go to Mel's Diner for breakfast. Had some french toast, and then Isabel and I went to Amoeba Music. Found 40 bucks lying on the street along the way. HOOYAH! Odin loves me.

Bought Running Wild - 20 Years In History and Destruction - Release From Agony. Going to my friend Adrienne's 18th birthday party tonight. MORE booze. Wheeee.

I'm such an alky.