Noodles, Laura's butt, yucky kids, and the White House

This is Will:

fuck ya'll niggaz fo' fuckin up this thread.

Karen, we had a great time roaming around DC with you. Hopefully a certain band goes to a certain venue in the near future so we all can meet up again.

other pics that were taken will be posted shortly!!
I met Will and Laura yesterday in DC for few hours before their comedy show they had tickets for.
It was so much fun!!
I met Laura for the first time (such a pretty girl!... you needs to post more pictures of yourself!!!)
And beard-less Willow (we all know he's a hot hot "fan-boy"!!)

We tried to go to the Ntural Museum in DC, but Saturdays at the Smitsonian are HORRIBLE.... full of screaming kids everywhere and families... yuck.
So we walked in circles at the museum.... (jees, how many times have we done that?!)
Will and Laura almost got attacked by a running toddler.. (that was funny)
Then we went outside to look for food, and we walked A LOT every place was closed!! That area in DC is horrible... full of goverment office buildings and yuppie restaurants so we walked and walked and got to the China Town/ Verison Center area that was a lot cooler.
We went to at at a place that make their own noodles on the spot (we were ready to eat a horse at that point)

oh, and most importantly.... I touched laura's ass.
Oh yeah I did.


Showing our appreciation to the current president:


A picture where you almost get to see your ass in jeans. Next time stand forward!!!