Bozarth and Darkspot invade HORRORFIND and the Baltimore Harbor

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
So, yesterday I woke up at 7am and prepared to invade Maryland again to hang out with the lovely Laura... only difference was... my parents were going, too! At 8am, we left the house and filled up the gas tank at Wawa. I got a hot tea. mmm.

We departed NJ and made our way southbound. Delaware went by quick and we were soon in Maryland... so we stopped at the Maryland House rest stop for some fooooood. Cinnabon?! yus! I bought some scratchoff lottery tickets and won $30. Great start for the day!

Arrived to the Marriot at 10:30 and stood in line until we were let in at around 11:05ish.. tried calling Laura a few times, but no answer. at about 11:15, she called and said they just showed up. I informed her that Rutget Hauer wouldn't be there, and she let out a shriek and I think her heart stopped for a good 10 seconds.

Anyways, I went upstairs and met up with Laura and her mom, and my parents finally got to meet her. Things kicked off really well.

Around now is when this storytelling will get foggy. Merch was bought, actors were met... including the guy who does the voice of the Cryptkeeper, George Romero, Tom Savini, Tony Todd...

After the convention (and alot poorer), the 4 of us went to Baltimore Harbor and had an amazing time at the aquarium (did you guys know that kids are electronic devices?!), and a kickass seafood buffet!

Sadly, we left at 7pm... but not without 2 awesome hugs from Laura :D















so my mother and i got to the Marriot at around 11:30. after hearing about Al Queda's plot to keep me from meeting Rutger Hauer, we met Will, went down to the merch-rooms and met his parents.

went back upstairs where his parents were gonna get in line for Romero. my mom stayed with them while Will and i wandered around the celebrity room. we met Tom Savini, then Tony Todd/Candyman *swoons .. even if he was wearing a green baseball cap and fake wings, which totally took away from the menacing sexiness* ... will got a picture with Kane Hodder/Jason Vorhees while waiting for Tony, then Tony Todd tried to start a fight with Hodder or something. weird. wish we'd gotten footage of that.

so i got a picture with Tony Todd, then Will wandered over to John Kassir's table. upon seeing the Crypt Keeper pictures on the table, i spazzed out and hid behind Will. so we talked to him for a bit and i was laughed at for my deathly fear of the Crypt Keeper. John Kassir was ridiculously nice, and was even collecting $ for a charity for children.

noon rolled around, and that was when my dad was going to get there. we went back out to the romero line and i called my dad, then my mom went out to find him. will went back down to the merch room and i waited outside the front of the place for my parents.

found them, but while i was walking back in, i saw Edward Lee and Jack Ketchum having a cigarette break. i totally spazzed out upon finding Edward Lee, talked to him for a bit, found my parents, and followed Lee beck to his table where i learned about some of his upcoming projects and got both his book Flesh Gothic, which i'd brought, and his book, Shifters, with John Pelan, which i bought there, autographed by him. he's also a very nice guy.

after that, my parents and i went back to John Kassir's table and my dad thaned him for scaring the hell out of me for the past 15 years. after ninja'ing wil's camera and realizing that i didnt know how to make it work, i got a picture with my dad and the Crypt Keeper. the two of them actually talked for a while, too.

got Will's camera back to him just in time for them to meet romero, my parents and i went down to look at the merch more, then went back upstairs to find Will and his parents before my dad went back home.

our adventures at the baltimore inner harbor coming next.
so we left horrorfind and headed to baltimore, with Will partially recording the trip from my mom's truck.

after going on a mythic journey to find space in the parking garage, we went to the baltimore aquarium ... not like will and i were there about a month ago or anything ... we escaped the mammoth line because will's mom was in a wheelchair. so we walked around and looked at fish.

then, trying to get back up for the dolphin show, we waited about a half an hour to get into the elevator because either the elevator car was possessed or the people in it had no idea how to work an elevator. eventually, we got up to ... some floor, then met a creepy tour-guide lady who led us to another elevator. in which, she asked will if he was in a band, and a very amusing conversation ensued.

so we got to the penguin ... err ... dolphin show and people in the "splash zone" were told to watch out for "any electronic devices like cameras or children". we watched some 34 year-old dolphins perform tricks, then saw this really pissed off-looking kid being trained to be a dolphin trainer.

dolphin show ended and we walked back to the harborplace mall-place where we went to the mythical 'seafood buffet'. got to the front of that mammoth line, too, because of will's mom's wheelchair and ate lots of food. mmm.

after dinner, we walked around more, looked at this weird-ass tin-foil sculpture-things, then finally headed back to the parking garage to part ways.

good times were indeed had by all.
Nightshade said:
Sooo... a seafood buffet at an aquarium? Doesn't that just seem.... wrong? I mean, is there like a mandatory "retirement" age? Or some learning curve or something? :ill:
we speculated on the fate of the fish that get up there in years. but the seafood buffet was actually in the mall that we parked in the garage of. we just went to the aquarium to work up an appitite
Will Bozarth said:
sorry all for not posting pics yet hahaha last minute um... strip club visit tonight. i got kidnapped :tickled:

OH SUREEEEE, I got " kidnapped" :Smug:

Kidnapping went something like this " Will, lets go to the strip club and see tits"

Will " Ok, let me put my shoes on "

End of kidnapping.