ok, so like...

my mom called to say that my cat has fleas. which is depressing. which also means that my room probobly has fleas. which is also depressing.

and now i really want a cheesesteak or something. i should go to lunch or something but that requires too much effort and i have no one to go with.

ooo, by this time next week, i'll be home!
Yesterday, I had Cinnamon Toast Crunch for breakfast at about noon (fuck yeah), went to class at 1:15, sat around on a campus computer for a while, went to Circuit City and picked up the new Amon Amarth CD(fuck yeah), talked on the phone to a friend I haven't seen in quite while, came home, ate some sammiches, went to the Morgue at 6 for casting call, got dressed up and scared the living daylights out of people (fuck yeah) until about 11:30, when I came home and took a bath in the sink so as not to wake anyone, then crashed for the night.

Today will be basically the same, except no school, no new Viking death metal, and I'll be in the haunt til about 1am (fuck you).
Cam got up, Cam wen't to school, school band and cam got 6 bottles stuck in vending machine costing cam 7 dollars :erk: (we got 1 stuck so we thought we could get the other one unstuck but buying another bottle thats near the one hoping to unloge it...apparently that doesn't work) cam annoys study hall by blaring Final Countdown on my keyboard...cam has pep rally and decides to start a mosh at the star spangled banner...cam get friday detention cam goes home and sits his fat ass on the computer entertains himself for the rest of the night.
went to school. went home, on the bus home i meet this awesome polish guy who is a sepultura fan. I hang out with him for a while, smoked a few ciggarrettes, then went home. I don't have anythiung to do tonight, so i'm just gona play guitar for a while, and maybe play some rome total war
I've never had cheesesteak in my entire life.
(sure, I've had many sandwiches with steak and CHEESE in them,
but I'm talking about Philie cheese steak)

no reason, just never got to a point in mylife where cheesesteak was a choise.
I need to try that soon.

I actually had it one time back in 2000, but I remember nasty things about it.
So that doesn't count.