The problem with homophobia, you realize...

Dick In Ass=evil!!!!!!!
So does this apply to everyone, including male with female, or just same sex? Know whats worse than being gay? Being gay and hypocritical about it.
In my thesaurus, under hypocrite is says: actor, attitudinizer, backslider, bigot, bluffer, casuist, charlatan, cheat, christian, con man, crook, deceiver, decoy, dissembler, dissimulator, fake, faker, four-flusher, fraud, hook, humbug, imposter, impostor, informer, lip server, malingerer, masquerader, mountebank, pharisee, phony, playactor, poser, pretender, quack, sham, sharper, smoothie, sophist, stool pigeon, swindler, trickster, two-face, two-timer, whited sepulcher, wolf
The concept of sin is pretty much irrelevent when looking at raw, anthropological function. In societies where the deathrate of infants and small children was something like seventy-five percent, same-sex relations were taboo because any sexual act that didn't involve popping out kids was a waste of time and effort. One could make the argument that most theologically-based moral codes in earlier societies were just means of implimenting this system in a way the moron populace would listen to. Something true of most commandments and holy laws. They're based on something deemed necessary to society.

But as DND pointed out, in the modern era these concepts are pretty pointless. And any sort of morality extending from some bullshit theological origin can be pretty much chucked.

Most homophobia isn't based on religious concepts, it's based on guys being afraid of being weak. The common view is homosexuality is weakness *note how it's also considered feminine, because this society uses both concepts interchangebly* and thusly to be gay is to be weak, to be feminine, to be less of a man.

Etc. Ultimately, all humanity should die a horrible, burning death from nuclear fire and destructive chemical weapons. Have a nice day.
C'mon , some people hates homosexuality but in their room have a XXX porno movies with a loads of lesbians scenes. Hahahahaha , that is hypocritical.
