Memorial Day Weekend plans?


Aug 30, 2001
How do you plan on celebrating your freedom this extended weekend? What will YOU be memorializing? What will you be drinking? Was it good? Did it hurt? Would you do it again?

My camping plans fell through but it's ok because there is lots of MMA on tv this weekend AND Metal Shop is going to be extra good this week, so I'm not bummed. And while I stay home, the rest of the city will be out of town and I'll have the place to myself. I'll probably sleep a lot.
Maryland Death fest- I'll probably won't sleep at all and will be drinking lotsa vodka redbul, single malt and Stellas ;)

have a great weekend Kev! Sounds like a relaxed weekend! I like having those from time to time!
Maryland Death fest- I'll probably won't sleep at all and will be drinking lotsa vodka redbul, single malt and Stellas ;)

have a great weekend Kev! Sounds like a relaxed weekend! I like having those from time to time!
Keep extra good track of your tongue, ok? :D
I am going out east to my parents second home, which is an old house, which they recently bought, and everyone has been helping fix up. It's on the north fork of Long Island, so the top part of the fish tail, all the way out on the end. It's the north fork, as opposed to Montaulk being the "end" on the south. I'm going with my two best friends, so it should be good. I suppose it's a girls' holiday :)
Im going to clean my house, then Im going to hoe around some Vineyards for extra cash.
Either Im gonna get a new computer or use the majority for a texas trip.
*stares at Cara and Derick"
My dad is trying to talk me into going halves with him on some super-grill we found at Home Depot. I'd like to, but money's tight.