How was your weekend? (pics + complaint inside)


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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First of all, let me start with my complaint... Was there or was there not a show in Seattle this past Friday? After Jaxx there were 14 threads, but now there is barely one... whats going on? give me pictures... give me report... give me SOMETHING.

Ok, my weekend was AWESOME. I spent Saturday in the "country" doing some cool things... First of all I picked up 3 whole buckets of Blueberries (my favorite thing in the world) Then I learned how to make home made tomato juice and home made pasta sauce... (all from home grown tomatos!)
Then I made my own apple butter... YUM YUM!
I love home made fresh things...



How was your weekend?
and do you want to try my blue berry muffins?
That's cool hon'

My weekend consisted so far of packing to go back to school, and playing and completing Indiana Jones and the Fate Of Atlantis in one day.

So far there's been a lot of tea and sugary substances too.... and a dream about pooping a lot (see thread).

Hellz yeah.
My weekend? Did nothing on friday, but I hung out with some friends on saturday, spent 100$ in bars (ouch), got wasted pretty badly, then went to some crappy after-hour (meh I didn't want to go in that shithole but 2 friends wanted to) and went to bed at 6am, woke up at 10am. Got back to my house at 1pm and went to sleep again hehe. My friends took some pills to stay awake while I didn't (against my principles). I think they tried to convince me for like half an hour.
My weekend was fairly divided between completing various ongoing projects and going out for ridiculous amounts of sushi on Saturday evening. I picked up Agalloch "Ashes Against the Grain" and have been listening to it and various albums by John Coltrane and Sonny Rollins. Today is reserved for more listening, and some work on various short stories I've had sitting on the back burner.
I'm mad for blueberries too, like TOTALLY MAD.

I put them in smoothies every day. Eat them on pancakes every morning when I have time. Put them into a coffee maker and have blueberry tea. The list goes on! <3
mmm, blueberries.

*innocent eyes* Karen, can i have some of your muffins?

haha, my weekend was alright. took a walking tour of the immidiate area arounf my school so i know where the basic stuff is. talked to will for about 2 hours last night when he was stuck at an airport in atlanta. today, i worked on a story, then talked to will for another 2-ish hrs.
Make some blueberry wine!

Anywho, I had a sweet party on Friday night, during which I drank myself to oblivion, and made out with multiple beautiful women. Yesterday morning I spent the drive home occassionally pulling over to puke all over the street. The funniest part was on a suburban street with cars driving slowly past while I puked right outside my door, with my friends laughing in the background. The worst part was trying to hold in puke while trying to find a place to pull over, but alas I could not find one. I stuck my head out the window and let go, with some of the vileness blowing back into the car, soaking my beard. But enough of that, ladies.

Last night I went out to eat with my parents to a fancy Italian restaurant. I'm leaving in four days so it was appropriate.

Like m00z, I'm packing also. I'm also trying to finish a number of books and Grandia 2 before I leave Thursday. I have one more episode of Rome to watch as well. Rome=quality show.