the man makes sense 
then again , could this be another cover up for something bigger that will hit the fan ?

then again , could this be another cover up for something bigger that will hit the fan ?
Wrathchild said:Julia Gillard, anyone?
Wrathchild said:If Costello gets the leadership, the vast majority of support the Liberals have at the moment will disappear. The reason Howard's so popular now is because he appeals to people who think the future of this country lies in sucking Menzies' dick, reintroducing national service and forcing kids to salute flags and sing hymns in the classroom.
Costello's most recent budget proves that he's only interested in catering to the very, very rich and how many of those are there really?
However, supposing Costello does get the job, it could be the best thing to happen to the opposition in ages. They might finally get their act together and replace the department store Father Christmas they've got now with a decent leader. Julia Gillard, anyone?
Sydo said:Cheers dude. But I'm fine really, it's just a cold.
I could even have gone to work today, but I'd rather use my remaining sick leave before I quit at the end of the month.
sick leave![]()
Shannow said:That's a very "non-conservative" approach, to a rort that the unions organised to the detriment of business
Danallica said:I vote for him because I'm living a good life
Danallica said:I am not one of those who would support a party unconditionally, even though i said my vote for howard is a default one, there are policies in the libs that i dont like at all.
They have manged to manipulate areas of measuring aspects of economic developemnt to best suite what they are looking to achieve, what shannow said is one way in which they have done this, also by making you count as employed by working 1hr a week, this has helped to bring the UE rate down alot as well.
However i think the gov has copped alot of unfair criticism over various policies, more specifically the new IR reforms, which i think will be a good step for the further developemtn of the country
chrisvp said:further development of the country for whom ?
Mate , I have a mortgage in which I'm fortunate to have that many others here may never have and have to watch every penny , I work hard and I work overtime whenever it is offered to me to get ahead , you see my wife and I in the next couple of years would like to have our first child , yet with all this uncertainty it looks like being pushed further and further behind.
I have freinds who have recently lost their jobs due to the new IR laws and what do they have now , a casual job at the same place with less money , they dont have holidays unless they pay for them themselves,when they are sick then tuff titties they are stuffed financially and they are still sinking further under .
If you are in a good position , thats great , just remember that many people out there are not , actually many people are stressed out with these IR reforms which is not healthy for this country , the whole "competitive" argument just doesnt wash with me , sure there are bludgers on many work sites , but the people who do the work are still being penalised as well.
I think that the criticism is fair and it should be further examined , it makes you wonder how competitive and fair these work place reforms are when the government only gave the opposition 1-2 hours briefing time of the new IR reforms before it was pushed through , something like this should have been discussed and gone over with a fine tooth comb so that everyone (including this government) knew what the laws where .
My rant , nothing against your opinion , just thought to put my two cents in while I have it spare![]()