John Howard, the filthy liar

John Howard also goes down as the biggest cunt in history because he put a GST on, let's call them, women's sanitary items. If that isn't a necessary and basic item for women in the 21st century I don't know what is.
Kem said:
That is true though. I don't think Beazley could run this country to save his life. I'd like to see the Opposition actually come up with some original policies, rather than just slagging off what the government does.

Kem said:
John Howard also goes down as the biggest cunt in history because he put a GST on, let's call them, women's sanitary items. If that isn't a necessary and basic item for women in the 21st century I don't know what is.

Yep again.
Kem said:
That is true though. I don't think Beazley could run this country to save his life. I'd like to see the Opposition actually come up with some original policies, rather than just slagging off what the government does. But I'll still probably always vote Labour :) They just need a more effective leader.

excactly what i think in regards to labour, get rid of fat kim, get some policies and get on with trying to run the country rather than fuck about with the unions all the time

cept i would always vote liberal
Wrathchild said:
Christ, Shannow. Your sister's situation sounds horrible!

She's an impressive woman. Held down a career for 15 years. Graduated with Honours in psychology, worked 10 plus hours a week at lifeline for years.
chrisvp said:
If John had to run an election based on his bowling skills it would be a huge loss though heh heh , that news clip from ages ago was gold I tell ya , GOLD!!!!
Nevertheless this is good discussion , I'm enjoying this :)
Its the most I have posted in a looooong time :)

that was funny hey, how bout when bush tried to bat in pakistan, heh
I don't know how old you are Danallica, but unlike almost everyone who posts here regularly, I'm old enough to remember when Gough Whitlam was PM. And I remember the absolute fucking economic disaster that was the Fraser administration. The strikes, the unrest, the rioting, ridiculous levels of unemployment. This all happened when Howard was Treasurer. Little Johnny loved pointing out how high interest rates were when Hawke was PM, but what he didn't show was that they were at least 2% lower than when he was Treasurer. Even when they went up more under Keating, the economy was in a better situation than it had been under Fraser. Howard is deluding the public with his constant claims he can keep the economy afloat and interest rates down. They've already gone up twice since the last election, and the only way he manages national debt is to sell government assets. What is he going to do when there's nothing left to sell? Just wait and see how much phone calls will cost once the bastard sells Telstra. You all better start learning how to read semaphore.
Labour Looks after THE BASE OF THE FUCKING COUNTRY, and that is the WORKER plain and simple, the IR laws and all that bullshit, are another way of turning us into a less productive, cheaper economy, just like the U.S.

Where no one can get good jobs anymore, so they shuffle of to the Military for 'guaranteed' job security, while foriegners take all the skilled fucking jobs. I am a skilled tradesman, but decided late last year that 10 years was long enough in one trade, I am very lucky that at 26 I was able to get another apprenticeship before the IR reform came in. I believe if I was looking now, at my age I would have no luck.

So how is a government that looks after the upper classes who don't do all the fucking work economically viable.

Also, just to vent some more, how is it right to get disabled people to work, yet the nice, yet purposefully unemployed ABORIGINAL family next door to me , never have to work if they don't want too?
Goreripper said:
I don't know how old you are Danallica, but unlike almost everyone who posts here regularly, I'm old enough to remember when Gough Whitlam was PM. And I remember the absolute fucking economic disaster that was the Fraser administration. The strikes, the unrest, the rioting, ridiculous levels of unemployment. This all happened when Howard was Treasurer. Little Johnny loved pointing out how high interest rates were when Hawke was PM, but what he didn't show was that they were at least 2% lower than when he was Treasurer. Even when they went up more under Keating, the economy was in a better situation than it had been under Fraser. Howard is deluding the public with his constant claims he can keep the economy afloat and interest rates down. They've already gone up twice since the last election, and the only way he manages national debt is to sell government assets. What is he going to do when there's nothing left to sell? Just wait and see how much phone calls will cost once the bastard sells Telstra. You all better start learning how to read semaphore.

Im only 18, and this is probably the main reason i support the libs, i mean 10 out of my 18 yrs have be governed under them and, like i said earlier, my life has been good. I havent faced the hardships that many of you have and come from a reasonably well off, but still extrenely hard working family. I have no reason not to vote liberal, sure my vote and view is skewed, but thats teh way it is. My family got to where they are through hard work and they deserve to be rearded for it, not merealy taxed for earning more $

The economy has been fantastic for a decade, people who say howard cant handle the economy, while they arent neccasarily wrong, seriously have a look at now. Granted alot of the positives of the recent economic development have been on the back of the great amount of privatisation and such that the labout gov did prior to 96, and the howard gov has largely ridden that wave. It appears that wave is reaching the shore and so the livs want to keep going and hence the IR reforms are the next logical step in pregress. A country cant sit idely by but must continue to move forward. Like i said earlier im not completely happy with areas of the reforms, or indeed how the libs have governed over the last 10 yrs. But I truely believe they are doing a darn better job the kim and his crew could ever have done

ps sorry for the shitty analagy
Gore- top post!

I cant believe Little Johnny has gotten away with as much as he has after so much riducle on the radio and television even, back in the day. Yeh, labour is lacking a good leader but honesty, wtf is LilJon ; hes a snivelling little lying shit! Fuck him, I have a memory (only just) i'd rather vote for fat ass Beasely and the labour pretenders. At least Hawke and Keating admitted their deal to the public. Balls I tell you, someting Howard will never have.

Its good to be drunk now but not good to be looking for a new house, which I am...
Southy said:
the IR laws and all that bullshit, are another way of turning us into a less productive, cheaper economy, just like the U.S.

That's rubbish dude. The US economy is less productive and more expensive due to long standing labour union policy that ran specific industries into the ground (steel, oil, farming, etc). If you wanna bitch, you should be saying our IR reforms will turn the country into another Mexico.

Southy said:
I am very lucky that at 26 I was able to get another apprenticeship before the IR reform came in. I believe if I was looking now, at my age I would have no luck.

I'd argue that you'd have more hope of finding an apprenticeship now than previously. Barriers to exit (fire staff) create barriers to entry (hire staff). If an employer knows he could fire your arse if things don't work out, he'd more likely wanna give the 'rough diamond' a chance, rather than going with the safe option of hiring a kid out of highschool.
Great post Sydo. These IRs will, as you say, create more opportunities for workers and will allow us to compete better on a global scale.

In regards to lower wages im not 100% sure that they will necassarily go down across the board
In the short-term, wages could go either way.. It really depends on whether you believe your boss is a cunt, or decent bloke. The crust of the anti-reform argument seems to be that all employers are cunts who want to screw their employees.

In the long-term, it has been constantly proven and can easily be modelled that union involvement in the labour market creates unemployment and leads to lower wages in non-union covered sectors. Thus one would argue that by weakening union manipulation of the labour market we should see an eventual increase in employment and wages.
Kem said:
The only reason the Liberals keep winning elections is because the majority of people are stupid and/or and easily scared.

This sentiment frustrates me Kem. I'm neither stupid or easily scared.
Furthermore, who do you see using fear as a political motivator today?. 'Vote for us or you'll be sacked'. Rubbish.
Sydo said:
In the short-term, wages could go either way.. It really depends on whether you believe your boss is a cunt, or decent bloke. The crust of the anti-reform argument seems to be that all employers are cunts who want to screw their employees.

In the long-term, it has been constantly proven and can easily be modelled that union involvement in the labour market creates unemployment and leads to lower wages in non-union covered sectors. Thus one would argue that by weakening union manipulation of the labour market we should see an eventual increase in employment and wages.

well said. I dont believe that there is any employer out there who would sack a good worker, or indeed reduce the wages of a good worker to the point that he/she would leave, it just doeant make sense.

With less interference from outsiders ie unions, wages should work themselves out over time, much in the same manner that the price of goods do
Sydo said:
This sentiment frustrates me Kem. I'm neither stupid or easily scared.
Furthermore, who do you see using fear as a political motivator today?. 'Vote for us or you'll be sacked'. Rubbish.

I knew you'd pick up on that. I did say majority. Not everyone who votes Liberal is stupid or easily scared.

And I'm not disagreeing with you that the shape of the Labour party at the moment is pretty poor. Old Cheezles Beazles is just as guilty of using fear tactics, he just does it so unconvincingly and in such a way as sounding like a broken record that it repeatedly fails to strike a chord with voters (so far anyway).

Still, I trust Howard less than anyone else at the moment and hurrah, he's got the top job. The amount of times this man and his government has tried to pull the wool over the Australian public's eyes is crazy. I don't get it. He seems to come through any steaming pile of shit smelling like roses and I don't understand how people keep ignoring it. So the only conclusion I can come to is people are either ignorant/stupid and don't realise how many times he's pulled a dodgy over us OR they do and at the end of the day they don't give a shit because whooptydoo, interest rates are down, the economy's afloat and the country isn't experiencing a recession. Sorry man, but that is so NOT a good enough reason to keep voting for Littly Johnny and the Liberals. He's a cunt. I'm not voting for a cunt.