John Petrucci Bootleg question


Senior's Member
May 28, 2002
Southern California
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In there is a video of John Petrucci playing a song called Glasgow Kiss, I want to know if this is a DT song or a solo song by Petrucci, because I can't find it on Kazaa and I can't find tabs for it.
Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow
Emre took alot of the videos off, cuz people were linking them all over the place w/o crediting the site.

Yes Glassgow Kiss was a song JP wrote specifically for the G3 tour.

Yea but remember that the song will be included in his solo album.
Yes, what Thornie said. Written for the G3 tour, and JP is working on a solo album too which will have all the songs played at G3 (IBS (now Jaws of Life), Glasgow Kiss, Damage Control, and i think 2 others whos names i have forgotten hehe) plus some new ones.