Johnny D, Swine, and Aboron


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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Just thought I'd share my haul at the used bins today....I picked up Arch Enemy's Anthems of Rebellion, DOWN - Nola, and the DIO live dvd all for $6.99 each!!!

JOHNNY D - Just wanted you to know I had Morbid Angel in my hands and was about to buy it as per your recommendation but for just a tad more cash I got all the above. I also say Edguy but the only one they had was a double live disc for $19.99 and I didn't want to shell that out either. But I'll still check out Heretic when I get some more dough.

ABORON - How do you download winmx?

SWINE - Down??? Still looking for that one? Hit me on email.
tedvanfrehley said:
Just thought I'd share my haul at the used bins today....I picked up Arch Enemy's Anthems of Rebellion, DOWN - Nola, and the DIO live dvd all for $6.99 each!!!

JOHNNY D - Just wanted you to know I had Morbid Angel in my hands and was about to buy it as per your recommendation but for just a tad more cash I got all the above. I also say Edguy but the only one they had was a double live disc for $19.99 and I didn't want to shell that out either. But I'll still check out Heretic when I get some more dough.

ABORON - How do you download winmx?

SWINE - Down??? Still looking for that one? Hit me on email.

Get Edguy Before Morbid you will like that one MUCH better Belive me Check em both out but Yeah :-) Get Edguy First I think you will be Plesantly surprised
Still Looking for Nola...

You scored. Arch Enemy for $6.99?!

May the bastard that traded that in burn in eternal hell...

I have the Dio Dvd, it's fucking great.

I'm gonna burn a copy of the DVD audio on 5.1 as soon as I get around to it....

That little man raws!
sixxswine said:
Ed"fucking"Guy, what a lame name.

I trust your recommendations, though JonnyD.

That sounds about as lame as:

"Guy Mann-Dude" remember him?

I got an autographed photo of him, somewhere....

Trust me Dont mind the name Its the music that counts :) They are one of the Best Power Metal bands out today They are like Better Helloween :p
Edguy are a great band definitely worth checking out i had Vain Glory Opera and Theater Of Salvation but i was short of cash a few months ago and like a dick i sold them both :(

Well you learn from your mistakes i guess :grin: