Joining the Label


Apr 5, 2003
Hi. I am a musician, and I am working on a demo that is about half finished. I was strolling through the forum index and I noticed this forum, and I just had to stop by. A lot of great prog rock / metal bands are on Inside Out, including Pain of Salvation which is one of my favorite bands. I was wondering, what does it take to get accepted onto this label? :)

Sure I know all about sending in the demo, yatta yatta yatta... but I'm talking like musical limitations, or what? I don't recall hearing any growling bands on the label, is that restricted? Thanks (in advance) for the info. :Spin:
I guess this isn't actually a forum where I can speak to people of the label...
There probably aren't any really specific rules about what the music has sound like.......I'm sure that if your music is progressive or (.......regressive :rolleyes: ), and good enough for them to want you on the label, then growling wouldn't be an issue. Ayreon has growling in parts.

And no.....I highly doubt you're going to get a response from any official label person here. I'd contact the label directly.
Go to-

under the contact page, there is an address for submissions.

Do you have a web-site, press clippings or any other info that a label would consider interesting?

Try to remember that a label is looking for a product that is certain to bring a return on their investment. The more you can do to show that you can independantly generate an income and sales on your own, that you have a solid history of self-promotion and have your shit together in general- the better chance you have of establishing a relationship with a label.