

Sep 9, 2002
Hyde, Manchester
Visit site
A visitor to a mental institution asked the Director how he decided which patients should be kept in...

The Director said "We fill the bath with water, then offer the patient a teaspoon, a teacup or a bucket and ask them to empty the bathtub"

The visitor said "Oh, I see...a normal person would choose the bucket, because it's biggest"

The Director said "No, a normal person would pull the fucking plug out...would you like a bed near the window?" :grin:
an octopus walks into a bar,says to the barman"i bet i can play any musical instrument.The barman gives him a guitar which he plays better than Jimi Hendrix.Another bloke gives him a piano which he plays better than Elton John.Jock gives him bagpipes,the octopus fumbles for a minute and looks confused,Jock says "ha can ye nae play it? Octopus says "play it i'm gonna shag it as soon as i get it's fucking pyjamas off"
midnightrider said:
an octopus walks into a bar,says to the barman"i bet i can play any musical instrument.The barman gives him a guitar which he plays better than Jimi Hendrix.Another bloke gives him a piano which he plays better than Elton John.Jock gives him bagpipes,the octopus fumbles for a minute and looks confused,Jock says "ha can ye nae play it? Octopus says "play it i'm gonna shag it as soon as i get it's fucking pyjamas off"
You got me,I almost spit my beer,don't drink and read..........
n1ce 1!

here is something to make the brain smoking:
