Do you find people stupid?

What many here seem to be doing is GENERALIZING. I completely agree with you that the majority of the human population is composed of thiefs, liars, braggarts, and any other definition of bottom-dwelling scum that one may come up with...but that's the point, they're the MAJORITY, not the entire race itself.

I personally am not one who even remotely enjoys parties, street fairs, or social events of any caliber larger than 5 to 10 people. I don't enjoy talking to strangers, although as a student, I'm forced to do this every day in class. Am I a misanthrope? To an extent, yes. I detest many many aspects of the human race, even my personal existence (being that, as a human myself, I feel inexplicably and unfortunately related to the swine around me). Though despite this, as the years have gone by, I've strengthened friendships with those that I consider to be truly wonderful souls. To me, the existence of assholes on this planet only strengthens the bonds I have with these 'soulmates' of mine. Sure, this may sound cliche, but: looking around and seeing how much human filth surrounds us may actually appreciate those 'diamonds in the rough' that have a tendency to enter our lives at the most unexpected of moments.

Though I can agree with you all that it is quite difficult to allow one's self the patience to wait for these diamonds.


Anyways, it says there that you're from the states, can I ask where exactly? It sounds to me like you're trapped within the misfortunate, backwards area of the Bible belt.
Yes, I am right in the heart of the bible belt, Wichita Falls, Tx. Luckily enough, I'm moving up north in about 3 weeks. Hopefully it won't be as bad up there.
Most of the people i see or meet on the street annoy me because of their ignorance, stubborness and careless behaviour. Although i seem to be able to get along with anybody, deep down i always feel other people know nothing.

I once saw a kid trying to be popular in front of his friends...there was this slightly autistic person walking past, and this kid imitated his hunched walk and laughed at him and then pushed him.
I got really angry and gave this kid a few words. These kind of things annoy me the most.

Another thing that annoys me are people that are up themselves and think of noone but themselves. Although i am guilty of the same thing sometimes, i at least acknowledge that what i have done is bad, and i try to improve on it next time.

I think not many people actually stop and think how stupid their actions are, and how they will effect other people.
I detest many many aspects of the human race, even my personal existence (being that, as a human myself, I feel inexplicably and unfortunately related to the swine around me). Though despite this, as the years have gone by, I've strengthened friendships with those that I consider to be truly wonderful souls. To me, the existence of assholes on this planet only strengthens the bonds I have with these 'soulmates' of mine.

[color=sky blue]My best friend feels very similar to this. I can't say how much he's said to make me really think about the human race. It's foul. Humans are foul as a whole, but yes, like said here, there are people that just stand out because of the way they see life, act upon it and how they share it with others.

I'm pretty quiet in person. I don't make friends easily because I don't want to know what someone may really be like. I'm afraid if try to befriend them, that I'll end up finding a hollow shell with preprogramed emotions. A typical outlook. Nothing original. Nothing ventured. Selfish emotions.

But, I find few. Here and there. I don't have many friends, but the ones I do have are very special to me. I guess my current "friend" status shows how picky I am. Heh. I am alone but one.

Oh, and there's a TON of people online that love Opeth that I'd like to meet, but fat chance of that. They're all so far far away.[/color]

Originally posted by BurzumBeast
The religious groups seem to target me while the kkk is rather rampant around here and nobody seems to care.

Wow man, that's pretty deep and quite an accurate reflection of life in the bible belt as I have come to understand it. They are fucked.

What's up with this part of the US anyway? Why is the hateful and selfish religious fanatic ratio so high? Is it the heat? Something in the air that inhibits intellectual evolution?

RELIGION MUST DIE. It is a tool used by the evil to rule the weak and feeble. We've evolved beyond it's purposefulness.

Hey Satori, I think you've gone abit too far saying that Religion must die!
I think, everyone in this forum is not somehow "connected" with religions, cause we all got our own minds to go our ways and not be led by some priests or who ever!
BUT! I think as long as religion makes a person happy or gives positive energy, I don't mind! I know this experience because I'm spanish (living in Germany though!), and in Spain religion has got better "reputation" than in other countries. My grandma always tied to her religion and it made her happy and that's what religion does to those who believe, so why should I deny that!
But I see your point saying that religion is in many places used as a leadership with lots of things which a normal person cannot understand.

I see what you mean, but let me tell you one thing!
When I was 12 years old I was beaten up very bad by 4!!! turkish citizens (2.5 weeks of bad food in a hospital), and in the last years I got into major troubles with them, but I never thought of hating them, cause you just can't generalize as someone before has already mentioned.
I can only speak for myself, but though I'm not religious I really would like to know more about all these different existing religions or cultures. The Jewish can be good, when you've learned how they really live. Also Buddhism might something be completely interesting. That's why I have no negative opinions about all the people around me!
That's all
I too, have a tendancy of looking down at people.
When I walk in the street and see all the people, grey as
as old movie, I feel disgust. It's all like a big, neverending
soap-opera filled with bad actors.

That is how I feel when I'm in a bad mood.

When I'm in a good mood I realise that most grey people
actually only have a facade of grey stone that they use
to shield themselves from others. Once you get to know
these people, the grey wall withers away, never to be seen
again. Of course, there are exceptions from this. Some people
have built such a thick wall that it can't be torn down. These
people are so trapped behind these walls that they can't
even sense the true world outside.

The perfect way of acting (IMO), is to break free from all
sorts of pre-judgemental crap (the 4 philosophical idols), and see
what is really there. Some people do this by taking a step
backwards and seeing everything from a distance. This develops
a sort of "not-caring"-attitude. I try not to take a step backwards,
but to instead see things from as many views as possible (ie.
place myself in everyones position), and from that build my own
opinion. You could call it an empathical view :)

Well, that's all I had to say for now
Originally posted by Tabasko
Hey Satori, I think you've gone abit too far saying that Religion must die!
I think, everyone in this forum is not somehow "connected" with religions, cause we all got our own minds to go our ways and not be led by some priests or who ever!
BUT! I think as long as religion makes a person happy or gives positive energy, I don't mind! I know this experience because I'm spanish (living in Germany though!), and in Spain religion has got better "reputation" than in other countries. My grandma always tied to her religion and it made her happy and that's what religion does to those who believe, so why should I deny that!
But I see your point saying that religion is in many places used as a leadership with lots of things which a normal person cannot understand.

Hey man, thanks for writing, and please don't take too much offense if I totally bash what you say here, it's all in the pursuit of higher knowledge.

I don't agree that religion generally gives people a positive energy or makes them happy. It's great that that's how you interpret it in your country, you are truly one of the fortunate ones cuz in the rest of the world religion is a TOOL of the gov'ts and dictators to crush the will of the people and rule them from within their own minds. That is the sickest thing ever. They simply have no right. Religion = corrupt politics, always has, always will.

You seem to place emphasis on "belief", those who "believe" are happy for it. Here's what I think. I think you aren't actually happy, I feel you try to *believe* you are happy and that you show that as an outward expression cuz it's what you've been *taught* to do by your religion and society. Your religion dictates that if you believe then you are magically blessed with happiness but this is not true and you know it. It's just another mind-screw. Inside I feel you are like most/all religious people, you feel guilty for you own thoughts and your mind spins in circles as you try to live out someone elses ideal and agenda and drives you nuts. You feel bad about yourself and must constantly strive to prove your own worth to yourself and your god. You live in constant fear of 'God' and you feel trapped by the injustice of being trapped in life you didn't ask for and can't escape like an animal in a cage and you feel like you have very little control over your life, like life is something that is happening to you as if it were a test or something that you must endure. You suffer much anguish and self-loathing and you have this awful awful feeling that you are being watched and judged at every moment, judgd for your thoughts, words, and actions. You have no freedom from it's watchful eye and it remembers every shitty thing you've ever done. It's the most invasive feeling possible and you have absolutely not privacy at all. You seek to convince others to "believe" in mythical political lies cuz it helps you believe it yourself if you can convince others of this nonsense and illogical politically based rhetoric. But the cold fact is that you don't actually believe in your religion. You are a smart and logical person who has just been mislead and victimized by a religious group and you realize this, but you've been taught to disregard these logical thoughts from the time you were old enough to think and now they just seem scary when you think them. Whenever you have some insight like that you immediately feel guilty for it and this creates a bad association in you. Whenever you think of your own accord you feel bad about it, so eventually you taught yourself not to think too much about these things cuz the doubt in your mind eats away at you and makes you afraid and anxious. You probably claim not be afraid of death but in reality you are terrified. You are not free and you haven't been free since you were about 3 or 4 years old, before you sense of true self and true happiness was raped from your mind by well-intentioned religious fanatics. It's psychological child abuse to the extreme.

You'll probably dismiss everything I've said here and you will probably feel that my attempts to appeal to your intelligence and logic were just attempts to make you look or feel dumb. That's not my intention. I think you have the ability to escape the mental trap that religion has on you, and all you'd have to do is just believe in yourself and your own ideas about things. There is really nothing to be afraid of. Life is beautiful and TRUE happiness without oppression is there for you if only you have the courage to take a step back and see who you truly are, an organism that grew on this lovely planet over billions of years. The truth about reality and humanity are right in front of you, and all you have to do is turn away from the crap you've been force fed since birth and wake up to reality as it is right here and right now. There is nothing find, nothing to lose, nothing to fear. Look around you, it's all so obvious.

Religion must die. We can no longer base our societies on idealist lies, which though seemingly well meaning, are responsible for more suffering, death, oppression, and wars than anything else. Religion is a tool of the evil to rule the minds of weak, to get them to fight and pay taxes and shut up and do what they are told. Try to tell people in other parts of the world, like Islamic countries and such, that religion is a positive thing. It's not, it's the last accepted form of slavery. Wake up people.

Satori, da sacreligious freak
Xianity is the enemy of humanity. How did a religion created in the desert to control people infect the world in such a way? Jesus Christ was the Charles Manson of his time. Does that mean in a few thousand years that people will embrace Manson the way that they embrace Christ now? Look what happened to the Romans after they became xian and obsessed with commercialism. Humanity in general is headed for a downfall if this cycle continues.
I used to think of other people as in the song "I hate you" by Slayer, but now I have a more humble relation to the people I think are idiots. They still disgust me though, and sometimes I feel depressed just by sitting on a bench in the park. I see these empty people, like zombies.

I think I respect them more now because I've realised that they're most likely happier than I am, so I can't blame them.

Oh the people.......
Originally posted by BurzumBeast
Jesus Christ was the Charles Manson of his time. Does that mean in a few thousand years that people will embrace Manson the way that they embrace Christ now

What similarities can you draw between Jesus and Charles? With all respect, it seems like quite a stretch. Jesus didn't start christianity, Paul did years after jesus' death. Jesus was a jew and had nothing with christianity and if he were alive today he would be horrified at how his memory was twisted and used for political ends.

Satori, the anti-god
That is if Jesus Christ even did exist.

I realize that this comes off as a bit of a conspiracy theorist stretch like those people convinced that the moon landings didn't occur, but anyways...

What do we have to say that Jesus Christ actually existed? I'm sure that there's an assortment of physical "evidence" (or is there?) to support that he did, but do you think the invention of such a character to use as the ficticious figurehead of a religion is unfeasible? And, considering the degree of power the church had, how difficult would it be to fabricate that "evidence"? We already know that the church pulled December 25 out of it's ass as his "birthdate" in the 5th century, to conveniently replace a pagan winter solstice holiday.

This theory is all pretty unthoughtout and uses the 1984 "they can change anything... nothing we know is fact" backbone of reasoning, but what do you think? How far off base am I really, here?
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn
That is if Jesus Christ even did exist.

I realize that this comes off as a bit of a conspiracy theorist stretch like those people convinced that the moon landings didn't occur, but anyways... etc..
This theory is all pretty unthoughtout and uses the 1984 "they can change anything... nothing we know is fact" backbone of reasoning, but what do you think? How far off base am I really, here?

I think you have a totally valid point. It's all such a tapestry of deceit that it's hard to tell if anything really happened at all. However, the greater likelyhood is that he did exist. He was allegedly a jewish leader/politician who *opposed* the romans' dominance and assimilation of their religion and culture. To the jews, jesus was a martyr who stood up against the new political agenda (which became christianity). This of couse makes jesus the first and original anti-christian, so could you imagine his horror if he were alive to today and knew that the thing he fought against (roman rule) and died for eventually dominated most of the world and pushed the jews almost into extinction? He'd be pissed, anyone would be. Then they take the memory and image of jesus and twist it to use against jesus' blood (the jews) to eventually dominate most of europe with their political agendas. It's pretty fucking sick I think. To a jew, the cross is a symbol of execution and political dominance over them by the blood thirsty and ruthless romans (christians). When I see someone wearing a cross it has the same feeling to it as the nazi swastika.

To think that christians wear a symbol of torture and execution and actually think jesus being viciously torured and murdered by those violent bastards was a good thing that was "intended" to happen to save us from our sins or whatever bullshit they spew out their feces-stained pie holes... ungh, it makes me ill. We banned the swastika with good reason and I think the cross has to go too. Have he NO compassion for the jews? Haven't they endured enough oppression already, they don't need to see christians wearing crosses and reminding them every fucking year that one of their greatest leaders was horribly horribly executed. The way christians wear crosses seems very unsympathetic and even a bit sadistic. But the jews are tolerent like always and know that the christians are just victims of oppression just like they are themselves. The only difference is that the jews are aware of this, and the christians aren't. It's sick how they used the memory of one of the greatest jewish leaders against his own people, how they wrote a new bible full of complete BULLSHIT and called the jewish bible "The Old Testament". Give me a break. Ok, this is making me sick now... bleh

anyway, I think Jesus existed because the jews also claim he did, and they have no reason to lie/fabricate to mislead/dominate the way the romans/christians/Paul did. Btw, the shroud cloth that was allegedly used to wrap jesus' body is a fraud and it's from as early as the 14th or 15th century. Just goes to show that the church will stop at nothing, not even murder, to achieve it's twisted political ends... and it's still going on.

I think the pope needs a good hard bitch-slapping for his misdeeds. The higher-up church officials know the truth, it has been passed down and hidden since it all began so long ago.

Satori, your friendly neighborhood anti-christ
Originally posted by MountainDweller
A lot of people just refuse to think. That depresses me a lot of the time. But it's true, these same people usually are happy, and for that reason, I'm sometimes jealous of them. And now I add a signature I've used elsewhere before...

I know exactly what you are going through.

For example, I have a parrot, and so does my friend. My parrot, Satori, is a cockatoo and he's very very very smart. My friend's parrot, Jade, is a little conure and isn't nearly as smart.

Satori is a very emotional boy, he has so many needs and always needs affection and attention to be be told he's a pretty bird and such. He get pissed sometimes and has temper tantrums and if he is left at home alone for more than 10 hours or something he becomes sad and distressed. He's smart and he suffers.

Jade is always happy, he can be left alone for days and he never gets bored or distressed or anything. He likes attention but he doesn't need it to be happy. He's not as smart and he doesn't suffer.

My point is this: the greater the level of intelligence and self-consciousness (specifically) the more the being suffers intellectually. I could go into a whole philosophical thing about how and why this is so, but I won't. Suffice to say there is a solution to this dilemma and it's not achieved by "thinking". The root of unhappiness must be pulled, feeding unhappiness with material gain, goals, achievments, etc, doesn't work, it only makes the problem worse. Is bill gates happy? I very very much doubt it. I think happiness is attained by a turning around of the deepest seat of consciousness which defines "self", and I think that this is the only solution.

Compassion reigns in the minds of the liberated.

Satori, deep in non-thought
It is the way that both jesus christ and charles manson were both charismatic leaders of famous cults. Every cult seems to have a charismatic leader, so I could compare christ to just about any cult leader.