Do You Care What Other People Think Of You?

Most strangers, frankly, I do care a little bit what they think of me. I'm not to happy about it, but it's the way it happens. I like to think that what they think of me doesn't change much, but that's probably a bit delusional.

Now, when it comes to women that I don't dismiss entirely, I care a lot, even if I don't have a specific interest in them. And it does change the way I act. People always say that you should just act natural and you will find a kindred spirit. Frankly, if I find a person that digs my natural outward tendancies, they'd probably scare me.

Nuts. Now I forgot my point.

Feeling bad is one thing - caring is another. Sure, you may get that down feeling - because you can only control your emotions so much, but actually caring? Nah.

I can't see how you can seperate the two... If you didn't care, you wouldn't feel bad, but because you do care, you feel bad, if only for a temporary moment. When I say, "I don't care what you think," that basically means that your opinions do not affect me. Why should I feel bad when I don't care? Now if I did care about what someone said about me, I WOULD feel bad. This is just my opinion.
Originally posted by Oyo

I don't know why.. but I really care what people think of OTHER people. This is a thing about me I can't stand. This kid in my history class is really into anime, japanese stuff, and magic the gathering. I like anime and magic, but It's not like my primary hobby, I never play magic anymore either, all my friends quit. And this kid is overweight too, which never helps. So all these guys behind me constantly make fun of him, it gets on my nerves sooo much, I don't know if he cares or not, but I can't stand it. Whenever he says something that I can tell will get them insulting him I just want to mute everything so I don't have to hear it.

It's because (I'm assuming here) that you've learned to take care of yourself, but fear the poor person taking abuse hasn't the ability to internally defend themselves. I, too, am bothered watching others get picked on. Maybe that person can't handle it, and maybe that person may react negatively in some way - even so far as harming his/her self or others. But it never effects me that way. So I get called a flaming idiot - you may see me walking with my head down kicking the ground for a moment - but I get over it, and it really doesn't effect my psyche.
Originally posted by Jannet

I can't see how you can seperate the two... If you didn't care, you wouldn't feel bad, but because you do care, you feel bad, if only for a temporary moment. When I say, "I don't care what you think," that basically means that your opinions do not affect me. Why should I feel bad when I don't care? Now if I did care about what someone said about me, I WOULD feel bad. This is just my opinion.

The two are very separate. No matter who you are, you'll likely respond if someone disaproves of you. I do feel a little angry or "down" when someone disaproves of me, but I'm able to say "fuck you" and turn the other way because I don't care what the person thinks. If I cared about his opinion I would have taken his words to heart and either drowned myself in self-pity, or tried to change myself to conform the the person's demands. THAT is the difference.

The indignation and momentary "downness" that someone feels from being disaproved of is a natural instintual reaction. How we deal with that reaction is the difference.
Originally posted by Belial

The two are very separate. No matter who you are, you'll likely respond if someone disaproves of you. I do feel a litytle angry or "down" when someone disaproves of me, but I'm able to say "fuck you" and turn the other way because I don't care what the person thinks. If I cared about his opinion I would have taken his words to heart and either drowned myself in self-pity, or tried to change myself to conform the the person's demands. THAT is the difference.

The indignation and momentary "downness" that someone feels from being disaproved of is a natural instintual reaction. How we deal with that reaction is the difference.

I was about to respond - but then read your post - and it basically says what I was going to say.

Caring will instigate a real reaction - feelings are inner emotions I can subdue easily. When you "care", you will defend. I won't defend feeling down - I'll just suck it up and walk away.

With all the crap in this world - and all the negative things I see - I feel bad. Starving people, murder, etc. - I feel bad. I know people say they "care" about world hunger, etc. - but there is a fine line here. I feel bad for the starving, etc. If this stuff touches those close to me - I'll care.
I personally don't care what people think of me as long as they are accurate in their ideas. I don't like it when people get the completely wrong impression of me and either like me or dislike me as a result of this bad impression.

So i guess I don't care what they think of me so long as it is "true". For example, if someone hated me cuz I'm a bastard then that's cool, I can live with that, but if they hate me because they think I am a child rapist or think I am cruel to small animals or something then I would have a HUGE problem with that.

Originally posted by Oyo
I don't know why.. but I really care what people think of OTHER people. This is a thing about me I can't stand. This kid in my history class is really into anime, japanese stuff, and magic the gathering. I like anime and magic, but It's not like my primary hobby, I never play magic anymore either, all my friends quit. And this kid is overweight too, which never helps. So all these guys behind me constantly make fun of him, it gets on my nerves sooo much, I don't know if he cares or not, but I can't stand it. Whenever he says something that I can tell will get them insulting him I just want to mute everything so I don't have to hear it.

yea i know how you mean. i hate it when i sit there and listen to a bunch of kids make fun of someone just because he is doing things that are considered "dorky". But i just think, hey, fuck em because i know the kids that watch anime and play magic the gathering are most of the time smarter then the people making fun of them. See while they are doing stuff that requires using your brain, the "popular" kids are usually getting high or drinking and stuff. ill be laughing when they have no future.
I care about what people think of me as long as they are close friends. `
Their opinoin means a lot to me. If my friend say "you shouldn't wear that
shirt, try the other shirt instead" I will :o) And when I go out to a gig or
something I'll put on something I feel comfortable and nice in,
not my usual sunday-sitting in front of my computer-
doing nothing-trousers.... :o)

But, I won't wear anything I don't like because it would be the right thing.
I dress up to feel good about myself :o) And when people say bad things
about me I'd like to know why, and then that's it. I can't change their view
on me if they have already made up their mind. So, yeah, I do care about
what people think of me, but it won't change me :o)
I can take tips/pointers, to some extent, but I'm still me :o)
I care only for what people who really know me and people who love me/care about me have to say... cause in this case it's almost certain that what they say the say it from pure concern and care and not because of other reasons (f.e. jealousy,need to piss me off etc )...

and then again i don't accept everything my loved ones say,since each person is unique and opinions differ....yet i respect their thoughts and sometimes i am also forced to ponder on them afterwards...

So,generally i care only when the other person has sth sensible to say,but then again i can never follow what others say...i'll probably think of it and come to my own conclusions...
Depends on who it is...

If is someone I deeply care about, then yes, i would be immesurably hurt beyond words if they thought of me in a bad way.

But if it was just one of you BASTARDS, i couldn't give a flying fuck. :grin:
>Do I care what others think of me. Absolutley. Anyone claiming that they don't care are deluding themselves.
>Does it affect me very much? Nah.
Sometimes i care at first. With enough brain power i can overcome that and realise that their opinion doesnt matter, but it always takes a second or two.

I care what my friends think. I care what people think who i feel im similar to think. I care if people misunderstand me completely (although i wont nescasarily argue about it, ill more think about why they got that impression and try to fix it!).

So in general others opinions help me to adjust my appearance/etc to look more like 'me' on the outside. But i dont feel bad unless i get called X when i value and think that im Y. In which case ill reevaluate myself strongly!!!
Originally posted by Trapped
Depends on who it is...

If is someone I deeply care about, then yes, i would be immesurably hurt beyond words if they thought of me in a bad way.

But if it was just one of you BASTARDS, i couldn't give a flying fuck. :grin:

:lol: I couldn't have wrote that better myself.
I have more important things to worry about. Besides, I like to consider myself a ghost in high school. I go, put in my hours, do my work, and get the hell outa there at 3 every day without stirring up a fuss.
Originally posted by Trapped
Depends on who it is...

If is someone I deeply care about, then yes, i would be immesurably hurt beyond words if they thought of me in a bad way.

But if it was just one of you BASTARDS, i couldn't give a flying fuck. :grin:

llamaura: The more I respect a person the more I care about them liking me..

I agree. The more feelings I have for someone, the more vulnerable I become to their comments about me.

In general, I'm effected by any comment directed towards me - good or bad. I've grown out of being hurt by them. Now I just think about why or how they may have come to that conclusion to say whatever. It's kind of hard NOT to be somehow effected by other people's thoughts of you. We're surrounded by ourselves!

NP: "Vows in ashes. I pledge myself to no-one."