Jolly - The Audio Guide to Happiness


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
A fantastic release for the proggers. I suggest not actually watching the "video," just listening to the audio while surfing.


Thanks to MitchG over at PM:X for pointing out the You Tube clip.
I recently got turned into this band by Claus. New York-based progressive rock/metal band JOLLY is just releasing their new record, The Audio Guide to Happiness. Instead of me blabbing about it, I'll just copy what Ken Golden stated on about this album:

"The music is almost heavy enough to be categorized as metal although I think a lot of metal fans would love this disc. The band sounds like a much heavier version of Porcupine Tree with elements of Opeth, Pain Of Salvation, Tool, and even Muse mixed in. Its pretty damn impressive I have to say. Come the end of 2011 this is going to sit high on many top 10 lists."

As I have said before, there are two types of "THIS IS AWESOME" comments based upon the first two or three listens. One (and the most common) is what I call "first-listen hype" (which Zod and I were talking about just recently). Eventually you realize that this wasn't as good as the first time you listened to. Believe me, I am guilty of this quite often. The second type is the one you know when you listen to something special for the first time. This particular release (with others such as While Heaven Wept, Persefone, Orphaned Land...) falls into the second category.

To anyone interested, they're playing in NYC this Saturday! I'll be there come hell or high water.

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I really liked their previous album. This new one sounds even more progressive which for me is great. Based on everything about, I just bought it.
Great show! Really digging this band. Funky venue. Like it too. Good to see you Greg and Milt.
It was nice running into everyone (Justin, Greg and Angie, Ann Marie, etc.). The show was great, it was a nice atmosphere. Venue was small but full and everyone seemed to be into them. Jolly really sounded great - they played their new album in its entirety. This band has enormous potential to be bigger than any other bands in the style. Mark my words.
I didn't realize that there was an intro before the tune and was like: dude this just brilliant, seriously, (and on that i think i just literally lol'd). That said, the actual song is fantastic. I'd buy a copy