Josephson e22s. Dammit.


May 24, 2007
I used a pair of Josephson e22s mics on a snare today, and they pretty much ruined every other snare mic on Earth for me. I've mixed tracks recorded with the e22s before, but today was the first time I got to throw a pair up as top/bottom mics on my Black Beauty. This stupid thing makes almost every other snare mic I've used sound like a toy, and as an added bonus it's designed really well.

I've always been happy using any decent snare mic (SM57, i5, T-Funk M80, Beyer M201, etc.) but now I'm going to have trouble going back.

$1300 each. Dammit. Freaking dammit.
*Doesn't post clip*

Wonder if there is there's a mod for that Beyer/Heil mic that looks like that. Or is the one I'm thinking of that condenser that people use for overheads? Do you know which ones I'm talking about?

Mics at that price point- especially close micing drums scare the shit out of me if one of those babies got smacked. I remember the first time I got my DP5 and this drummer whacked my i5 real good on the snare with those bullshit white signature Travis Barker sticks and left a gross mark... I about cried haha "OKAY DRUM TRACKING OVER"
The latest Daylight Dies album was the first I'd worked with tracks done by the mic; the toms sounded absolutely gorgeous and IIRC there was one on snare top, as well. I wish I could afford a pair or three.
I'm actually surprised I don't see more C42 love on this forum, they're voiced perfectly for metal kits.

They really are great mics but they're $975.00/pair so don't be surprised at all. I've borrowed them once and they were great but I wouldn't pay that much.
I loved the C42's but for the price, I went a few hundred further and got a pair of KM184's. Neumann name sells a lot more than Josephson. Also found them too bright and detailed on a lot of stuff.