Journey Through Pressure

Oct 7, 2005
Stuttgart, Germany
As I've said too many times,the song is a real beauty and every time I listen to it I feel like I had a punch on the stomach...Actually I like everything about this song;the odd drumming,lead melodies,different guitar tunes,Jonas' brilliant vocals,pronounciation and the fuckin suicidal lyrics...It really reminds me of the times that you feel "the sky moves faster" and you're barely "pushing the will"...Now what I want from you folks is everything that you feel about the song.I really wonder what does this song give you as it got me soooo deep...
this is an awesome closing track. bleak and hopeless. it's just a bit too short imo. it would have been perfect if they did add some nice guitar-lines that fade out in the end to lengthen the song for about 1 minute
This is probably my favourite track off the album. So much atmosphere, its the kind of song you wish was about 20 mins long so you can just lie down and really get into it. Dynamics are great, the way it starts off quiet but quickly gets heavier while the atmoshpere increases.
VampiricYouth said:
What do you recokon it's about? Relapsing in regards to suicidal tendecies or "cutting" for attention?
I think it means "cutting" attention,but I really wonder the mean behind the word.I took it as it's cutting the attention,but still the song is suicidal...:headbang:
Finally...the best song on TGCD among with Deliberation & is absolutely gorgues...don't know why is 'In the With' so is great song, but...journey through pressure is much better...
This one may be my favorite from the new album and a perfect album closer, definitely the bleakest song on what may very well be the darkest Katatonia release since DO...I agree with those saying that it's a song you wish would last at least twice as long.
I think that this song is the "doomed" song of the cd. The darkest song of TCGD. In some tunes of guitar(Anders), i remember me about a song of My dying bride, called Sear Me (in The light at the end of the world cd).
But forget me, i don't have a good ears! :
I was listening to it yesterday when the line "So alone, I'm cutting here and water's blood when you come" really hit me. I imagined someone slitting their wrists in a bathtub, so when the "you" arrives, they'll find them dead and the water blood red.

I think the song is about acting normal while hiding suicidial tendencies that eventually catch up to you.
I agree with everyone here. This song is simply magnificent. Not my favourite off the album (yes, I like in the white better among other tracks like July and My Twin) but I'd be crazy not to say this isn't the best damn closing song i've ever heard - by Katatonia or any other band for that matter. It's just THAT good and when it's over. DEFINITELY the doomiest song I have heard from them since the early days _ I was quite pleased to hear this style come back. Afterwards, I was just sitting there in deep thought...just thinking.... of the BEST fucking albums in existance. I mean it!!! This is hands down the BEST damn Katatonia album, period. There's just no way any other band can top this level of magnificence this year.

How do these guys do it??? HOW??? How on earth do you write sooo SOOOO many powerfully moving guitar riffs and catchy melodies that stick around in your head? And those vocal lines....MAN!!! Jonas writes some kick-ass passages that you just can't help but sing along to - ESPECIALLY in JULY!
Alcapoth said:
How do these guys do it??? HOW??? How on earth do you write sooo SOOOO many powerfully moving guitar riffs and catchy melodies that stick around in your head? And those vocal lines....MAN!!! Jonas writes some kick-ass passages that you just can't help but sing along to - ESPECIALLY in JULY!

The power lies within the hair! The long blond and curly hair! Let us cut it and steal it and run away!
Alcapoth said:
How do these guys do it??? HOW??? How on earth do you write sooo SOOOO many powerfully moving guitar riffs and catchy melodies that stick around in your head? And those vocal lines....MAN!!! Jonas writes some kick-ass passages that you just can't help but sing along to - ESPECIALLY in JULY!

Actually Iv been thinking the same thing... HOW do they come up with that stuff? Is it pure emotion and they just incoperate it into the song after they recorded it for themselves or something like that? Or are they like composers just thinking and mathematicly adding up the cords, (well ok obviously they are composers :p but you know what i mean)
I guess it's a combination of both.
But I would still love it if jonas and or anders gave us an answer to this question...
Let us have a little peek inside of the creative process ...
So I hadn't listened to that song maybe for a few months but these days I have a little TGCD addiction and when this track started I realized that it really gave me the chills once again even after a few hundred listens and so many months...I think this song will never get old for me.It surely is the bleakest song of TGCD.By the way The Itch and Increase impressed me so much though they had never really impressed me that much before....