Judas Priest hang up their leather

I bet you gave it a massive chance, didn't you... Plus if you didn't like them in the first place then you're hardly going to enjoy it are you?

I never said Ididn't LIKE Iron Maiden, but I wouldn't call myself a fan. I appreciate them for what they do/what they've done for music, but there's no excusing The Final Frontier. It's rubbish - A Matter of Life and Death was alright-ish but TFF is just naff.

So bite me *makes a face like Joe*
It's just not! I was all ready to hate it hearing Eldorado and the title track, but the last 5 are stellar. Especially The Man Who Would Be King. Did you honestly give it a chance Dave? Or did you listen to it once and dismiss it on the basis of that? It's got a bit much depth to get in one listen. In fact that's true of most of my favourite albums... they grow on you like a dirty great infectious rash. TFF isn't as good as AMOLAD or BNW but it's certainly better than Dance of Death. Though I'd still like to hack Kevin Shirley into a pile of bloody lumps.

*has a face like Joe*

I've seen Priest live twice, and they don't cut it live like a band of their experience ought to. Which is another thing which can't be said of Iron Maiden... I also read that Priest might make more albums, just not tour any more. Don't know how true that is.