Judas Priest: Redeemer of Souls


Halcyon Way Sufferer
Jan 7, 2002
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It's okay. Nothing special. However, when "Angel of Retribution" came out, their single was the worst on the disc, so I'm still optimistic.
So this just feels really flat for me. Halford is still awesome, the guitars are good. It has everything I like in a song....but I'm still meh. Like it lacks energy maybe? I don't know.
As much as I love Priest (easily one of my all-time favorites), let's face it, they're not exactly innovators anymore. We've heard so many other bands take the Priest sound to many other places, where Priest are kind of stuck trying to duplicate a lot of what they did on Painkiller. I'm sure the new release will have some solid material, but I'm not going to be expecting anything groundbreaking. Man, I hate saying that about this band.
Really? Halford sounds nothing on that track like Hansen IMO... Musically, maybe I could hear some similarities.

That's more what I meant, though it almost doesn't sound like Halford in spots, or at least it sounds like he's mailing it in. It sounds more like a "standard Euro power metal" band than, you know, Judas Fuckin' Priest.

What happened that these guys forgot how to write songs?
As a whole, I don't think Halford sounds good at all, BUT for his age I think he sound really good :).... I always try and judge with the age in mind, realizing that he just can't hit the notes like he use to, which is perfectly normal and natural. I admire him though for still doing what he loves and staying true to his heart... I don't think I'll buy it, but I do highly admire the man....
The new song is pretty good but not as great as the title tracks from their last several albums.